The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Change Is The Only Constant

Change can be a scary concept for most.  Your sense of safety and trust in something constant can get shaken and removed and that looming feeling of loss or a place to safely land seems no where near in sight.  It makes sense why there is panic, anxiety and fear.  Then the need to control comes along and we all know how controlling people can be!

For the first time in a long time, I have been feeling positive anticipation!  I can see the signs of all the internal shifts that have occurred over the past few months start showing up in my life.  And I am beginning to surrender to those and allowing them to be.  It is exciting and scary!
I invite you to start raising awareness to what is shifting in your life physically and beginning to open yourself to what happened internally in your life.  Don't kill yourself you draw the link.  Simply give your awareness to that and trust that you will get an answer.  Be aware of what life decisions or life themes you have now bought into.  What stories have you let go of.  These could be small or big ones.  Be aware of big and small changes in your physical life.  

It could be the overhaul the landscapers have done to your neighborhood that have now changed your surroundings, people enter or leave your life, a change to your role or focus workwise, you see someone or some people in a new light, you have a deeper breakthrough with someone you hold dear, something happens and you realise that it no longer stings or hurts like it used to . . . . . .   The list can go on!

I amazed even to this day how the internal decisions we make to love ourselves more, or let go of limiting stories or embrace a new idea to see life can ripple out and one can draw the link.  It is encouraging to me that this internal work stuff does actually work and that life is this canvas I can paint with anything I truly want.  It is very awesome to realise the power I have to simply be happy.

So if there is a constant stream of change in your life, you can be sure that something inside has shifted or is shifting to cause that physical reflection of change.  You simply need to be open to making the link between what internal choice you have made and how it rippled out into the world  to be experienced by you.

Raise your awareness to this idea and life will work in its way to answer it for you.  Good luck and excited to hear what your answers are!  If you feel the need or are comfortable to share with me , please do!  Look forward to reading it . . . 


  1. Totally agree, when I began a new solo path a couple of years ago, I found taking that first step to change was scary, the road was blank waiting to be written, yet since then, each day has taken me deeper into myself, and as I watch parts of the 'old' me peeling away I radiate to a new and vibrant frequency returning to my truth more each moment.....

  2. Very inspiring and beautiful Gemel. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the concept of the old you peeling away to radiate the new. Stunning sentiment xoxo


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