The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reminders from a Pamper Party.....

Last night I attended a pamper party. Initially being extremely irritated by the homework of getting all the stuff for the party, coming to the party and seeing how each of us went through our process allowed blatant stuff to be reflected back to me. It is true, your relationship with any human being is a mirror reflecting back to you what you need to see and know.........

So first, let's deal with the irritation!
I was irritated because it meant me having to give of myself. I could not outsource and buy my way out of this one. We were asked to create stuff! So it definitely showed me how I shy away from giving of myself to others without hiding behind extravagence or glamour!

I picked a black box to put all the treasures in! Just represents how well I hide who I really am to the world. When I looked at the others' packaging, all colourful, a definite way in to see the treasures or peak interest in the treasure, like an invitation to partake in the treasures! Mine was a sealed black box of treasures! How inviting/scary was that to anyone on the other end receiving from me ???????

The treasures that made the hugest difference were the ones that had the most of me in them. An example is that I actually baked something and that had the most profound impact on the person receiving! It was a true moment knowing just by baking that I had such a positive impact in someone.

So I am sitting here this morning (just giving the facial mask its time to do its thang!), knowing that to give of yourself is a joyful process. To receive means giving that joy of giving to someone else. I also know that the true essence of powerful giving is giving purely of my essence and who I am. This stands to reason that I become the best of who I am in order to give of the best of who I am to others.

It has reminded me how simple yet powerful we can be in terms of making a difference! And by that it means making someone's day, being a positive light, cheering up or lifting up a spirit! All this by simply giving of who you are.

Thanks Universe for this reminder. It has been noted!


  1. I am really enjoying your insights into your self.
    Hard work , looking inside oneself:-)

  2. Thanks for the comment. It is a tough but very rewarding experience. One step at a time I say ;-)

  3. i remember in one of your posts a while ago you mentioned stopping smoking. Have you done it through somewhere or managed on your own accord? Im looking for insights into getting rid of the filthy habit once and for all!

  4. yeah I have given up smoking. It has been 3 months of no smoking. I got the book for quitting smoking from Allen Carr and went to one of his clinics. It really helped putting my mind in the right place to stop. It was a tough 1st monthbut the mental clarity is what got me through and that I got from Allen Carr's method. I would recommend the book first to see what he has to say.


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