Sorry for the late post. Hectic Day! Anyhooooooooooooo
I have learnt that education is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. And yes, in my country, people sing, preach and go on about how important education is for the future of the country and the one thing we should insist our kids have. But I would like to spend a bit of time of what true education really means to me!
I have degrees behind my name and yes I am one of those straight A students. The only place I like it straight (hehehehehehe). But education to me is not how well you know a subject like Maths, Science etc For me education is deepening your awareness and understanding of a subject. It is unpacking layers and getting to a truth that makes you simply understand something on various dimensions or levels.
And what better education is there for you to pick the subjects that create your best life. Some subjects include Yourself as the Person, What is means to forgive and live in that, How to work through dischord, How to understand others, How to love yourself, How to love others, How to invite and allow inspiration, basically how to be at your best in any situation!
It starts with a curiousity, an awareness and a journey to unpacking and understanding. So know today, that going to a university, or getting tons of degrees does not really get you educated! Is it when you apply your curiousity, your openness, you awareness that you start your powerful education process and start to unpack and understand deeper. And somehow, life will play along. When you go in with openness and curiousity, events unfold, books will come your way, opportunities will come that will help and life even puts teachers in your space to get you there. And it starts with a open mind and heart!
It is about choosing the subjects that will bring you to your best life! Go on! Educate yourself!
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