The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

(D)esire Paves Your Way

Desire!  We all have it.  It is the driver of creation in my opinion.  Not sure if any of you have read "Ask and It Is Given" by Jerry and Ester Hicks (Teachings of Abraham) ? If so, hopefully it has had the profound effect on your wisdom and perception of what we are capable of as humans as it has done for me.

What has been a fascinating discovery for me is that we Ask whether we conscious or not conscious of it.  And that is where desire comes in.  When our desire flames up while we are in an experience, or dreaming or simply taking a moment to understand what we want, we ask and transmit this to the Universal Order Catalogue.  So our reaction or response to something, a situation, a person or an experience shoots off the order based on our desire in that moment.

The trick is awareness on seeing it evolve and become clear for you as you go along life.  It is kinda like getting a series of puzzle pieces along the way and one day you figure out how to click them all into place and in that instant of the click you clearly see the picture.  I so love it when those moments of clarity happen!

So today, start taking note of what you feel in the moment or in a situation.  If the room froze for a minute and a magic fairy godmother asked you what do you want right now in this moment!  The answer to that question are the seeds of your desire.  Play with this and see how your clarity will unfold of what you put out there to come back to you.  Yum Yum!

Visit A to Z Challenge page for more details


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