The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was watching Grey's Anatomy today on my PVR! It was meant to be the day that Meredith and Derek got married but ended up being Izzy and Alex's wedding. It was also happening amongst a graduation ceremony that went all wrong for a group of young people who had their lives flashing before their eyes as they lay in the ER.

The BEEEEEG message I got today from that was stepping up, opening up and claiming! Having the courage to choose and the faith to keep moving forward.

I am reminded of how this applies to life and how easily we can take all the GREAT for granted. It is only when faced with our mortality and the nearing of an end of phase for us, that our true desires, our bliss, our TRUTH make its way out clearly in the form of REGRET!

I realise that everyday, every moment is an opportunity. Every moment in our lives is the power to choose, to live, to embrace, to allow, to be happy! We have the power to make that choice that takes us closer to peace, love and bliss. We have the ability to take action that creates love and happiness in our lives. We have the gift of spirit, higher wisdom and universal intelligence that is innate within us.

But through all the tears while watching the wedding I realised a truth for me in terms of relationships. I love weddings when the bride or groom share their journies. But a theme that comes out soooooooo strong is that no matter what, they were assured of the person's love, acceptance and safety of being there!

And I am comforted by seeing that being good to me and loving me in the best possible way allows me to be good and love someone in the best possible way! So today I choose to be gentle and awesome to me as it prepares me to do the same for others that come into my life or currently exist in my life. Today I embrace being a gift to more than just me.

Today, I open myself to beauty of LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES that I see clearly, that I know is true in any situation I find myself!

If today was your last, what would your TRUTH be?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

CB's Attention: Obesity on the rise GLOBALLY ?!?!?!

Today I was busy doing some industry catch up. Part of staying relevant in my profession! At the back of my head, I should be more aware of the bigger picture but when you in a delivery role, you do tend to get lost in the detail of it and not see the bigger picture. That has been a sore point for me workwise, been lost in detail and losing touch with the bigger picture but that is for another time and space!

So I was busy reading about the key trends in the apparel and footwear segment in the consumer goods industry. To my surprise, I saw a trend that allowed for a whole bullet point all on its own in the research material.

Growing obesity is causing the increase of plus sizes for clothing in the industry segment.

I just got to thinking where is this balance between loving yourself authentically and making excuses for just being fat????? Where is the line between saying I am the fuller figure and I love it versus I know I am sedating pain, being lazy or filling a void using food!

I believe Oprah helped me discover that I to was a comfort / unconscious eater. It definitely explains my fondess to smoking (craving the same as hunger) and food! When I am gaining weight these days, I know something is off or I am denying knowing and working on something within me. It was also on Oprah that I watched a series they did with overweight teens and the big take away for me was to see how much pain they all were in! That was the bottom line. All this pain being sedated by food!

Some facts I found from the World Health Organisation:

WHO’s latest projections indicate that globally in 2005:
  • approximately 1.6 billion adults (age 15+) were overweight;
  • at least 400 million adults were obese.
WHO further projects that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese.

At least 20 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight globally in 2005.

Once considered a problem only in high-income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings.

I am left wondering if there is really that much pain in the world that is being drowned out by food or that much emptiness that needs filling? Practically, is it merely just being caught up with a fast life with so many choices that the easiest, quickest and most available is the way to go without any consideration for the nutritional value!

Then add in the idea of the balance between allowing versus denying yourself pleasure. The mere mention of this phrase implies that you at least have the love thing going right on the inside. If that is all in place, the eating naturally takes care of itself!

At this point, all I am left with is if obesity is on the rise like it is, I pray that my kids and their kids (ok even broader than that)!

I pray that somehow we find a way to empower our younger generations with sound coping mechanisms and the wisdom to find truth and not be afraid to deal with it!

That is what is rambling in my mind as I refresh my industry knowledge!!!!!!! Till next time!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Goals! Bullsh1t?

I would like to thank the Universe for taking me into this thinking loop as well as Angela for putting me on the spot from our last coaching session, you had me questioning my goals at the end of it all ;-)!

So I am now in this loop of Inspired Action vs Motivated Action. This theme has become rather strong within me so I going on the notion that it needs a space to be expressed. As I was going about my business getting ready to get to work today, this notion of:

"Setting Goals for oneself is such Bullsh1t!!!!!!!!!"

was spinning in my mind!

We live in a society where being goal orientated is the name of the game to success. It is working towards some tangible end point and thus we are motivated to work, push, go beyond our limits to reach this tangible end point. Now for me, it has been an empty experience of late. My promotion, my past relationships, my material achievements, even my obvious weight loss!!!!!

I would be thinking that all that accomplishment would have me smiling and saying YEAH BABY, BRING IT ON! But actually not, I am feeling "Oh well, if I can do this without even much hard work, just imagine what I can accomplish when I actually do!" And then comes the work to motivate for a tangible consequence and so the vicious cycle begins!

So we at this point! Let's start giving a F#$#K and moving towards inspired action! So it demanded further unpacking and when I dig a bit deeper, I come to the following notion!

It is really all about the feeling at the end of the day!

What is it that we want to feel and vibrate with at the end of the day? Because once we tune into that, goals for me is surpassed by livin the dream!

I have found lately, that when I am living and caught up in that feeling of bliss, content, gratitude and love, goals are the furthest thing from my mind and heart. Living the moment, trusting that all is safe and ok, and enjoying what is in front of me is the name of the game. Positive consequence is all a by-product and not even part of the mind & heart equation!

Goals for me at this point are too practical and scream get motivated to get a consequence or avoid a consequence! And yeah, I can believe how good some us have become at it. Our professions, society, media, close relationships, family etc. There is some element that leads us to set goals and motivate ourselves to achieve them!

I am sorry but I am looking for magic and burning on pure passion / love / source energy!!!!!!!!!!! There is a magic, a world of possibilities, no constraints, an open heart and being limitless! That is the space I believe we should be living and operating in, or at least a NORMAL day for me!!!!!!!!!

So for now, my jury is out on that! I know deep down for sure there is a balance between the magic and goals way of livin! Interested to know if there is some input out there on your take of goals vs livin the dream?

I am very interested to hear / read...................................................................

Till next time! Mwah!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Inspiration vs Motivation! Which side of the scale do we sit?

So I received the most interesting concept in my inbox today that really resonated with me. It was on the notion of what goes on inside us when we have inspiration versus motivation driving our actions. And I believe if we all dug a little deeper we would know that there is such a difference in what we manifest, create or deliver when we inspired as opposed to motivated.

So the bottom line:

Inspiration = It is very much like the sun. Lights and burns regardless. Its mission is to burn brightly and light up!

Motivation = Knowing a consequence and telling yourself I will do it or I won't do it but I am driven by the consequence rather than the action itself!

I wonder if we all took the time to see where our hearts and minds resonate (inspired living versus motivated living) and see the reality in our lives, I am sure it leaves us with some questions of where is the LOVE in what we do?

When I look at my life and see what inspired action has brought me, I am truly amazed and grateful for my inner light that was given a space to shine brightly despite doubt, fear, cynicism and the what-ifs. I see how all those actions have come into place to make my life the wonder and richness in some areas and the lack of it in some areas.

So I begin to see what this law of attraction means for us. We get still, breathe, open up to the inner wisdom and inner light that is gifted to us all. With trust and faith, we receive the inspiration and then as the definition of genius requires, we take action and work at it!

So my intention for myself and all of you is the following:

May your mind and heart be open to see possibilities in every situation effortlessly!
(borrowed from my mirror affirmation collection)

Figure out where you sit today, think back to when inspiration guided you and the result. Pray and affirm for a way to find your link back to your inspiration! Then get prepared for courageous action taking!
Practicality I am seeing how my breathe work is strengthening my link to my inspirational light. I am seeing how my spiritual work with my spiritual group and coach is helping me put context to my divine messages. By seeking truth and wisdom, it is being created within my life. I see this in my daily life at work, my blog and blogs that have come to me to follow and from various sources.

With love go forth and take inspired action..........................xoxo

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