The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

CB's Attention: Obesity on the rise GLOBALLY ?!?!?!

Today I was busy doing some industry catch up. Part of staying relevant in my profession! At the back of my head, I should be more aware of the bigger picture but when you in a delivery role, you do tend to get lost in the detail of it and not see the bigger picture. That has been a sore point for me workwise, been lost in detail and losing touch with the bigger picture but that is for another time and space!

So I was busy reading about the key trends in the apparel and footwear segment in the consumer goods industry. To my surprise, I saw a trend that allowed for a whole bullet point all on its own in the research material.

Growing obesity is causing the increase of plus sizes for clothing in the industry segment.

I just got to thinking where is this balance between loving yourself authentically and making excuses for just being fat????? Where is the line between saying I am the fuller figure and I love it versus I know I am sedating pain, being lazy or filling a void using food!

I believe Oprah helped me discover that I to was a comfort / unconscious eater. It definitely explains my fondess to smoking (craving the same as hunger) and food! When I am gaining weight these days, I know something is off or I am denying knowing and working on something within me. It was also on Oprah that I watched a series they did with overweight teens and the big take away for me was to see how much pain they all were in! That was the bottom line. All this pain being sedated by food!

Some facts I found from the World Health Organisation:

WHO’s latest projections indicate that globally in 2005:
  • approximately 1.6 billion adults (age 15+) were overweight;
  • at least 400 million adults were obese.
WHO further projects that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese.

At least 20 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight globally in 2005.

Once considered a problem only in high-income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings.

I am left wondering if there is really that much pain in the world that is being drowned out by food or that much emptiness that needs filling? Practically, is it merely just being caught up with a fast life with so many choices that the easiest, quickest and most available is the way to go without any consideration for the nutritional value!

Then add in the idea of the balance between allowing versus denying yourself pleasure. The mere mention of this phrase implies that you at least have the love thing going right on the inside. If that is all in place, the eating naturally takes care of itself!

At this point, all I am left with is if obesity is on the rise like it is, I pray that my kids and their kids (ok even broader than that)!

I pray that somehow we find a way to empower our younger generations with sound coping mechanisms and the wisdom to find truth and not be afraid to deal with it!

That is what is rambling in my mind as I refresh my industry knowledge!!!!!!! Till next time!!!!


  1. Great post.

    Getting kids and adults to give up fast food, TV, computers and anything else that stops them moving and eating properly would be a start, yet how do we do that? I know of a few families where vegetables and fruit are never eaten, oh, except at Burger King. If the adults in the family have issues that cause them to eat for comfort, what chance so the children have?

    My theory is, we are what we eat, think and create. Many of us blame outside influences for their weight, they eat because of............. Yet it is so easy to pass blame, to sit and eat and eat some more, the hard part is looking into yourself to see what it is you are hiding from, addressing it and doing something about it.

    One of my friends is currently doing this, she has a LONG way to go, but at least she is up and moving (coming to yoga with me, and I might add getting nasty looks from the thin and beautiful for her trouble!)More importantly she is watching what she eats!

  2. I agree with you Gemel! Turning to food instead of dealing with the truth. I also hear you on how can kids learn when parents are using food to cover up and deal with whatever they need to.

    Your friend has taken a positive step and that is all that is needed. I have been non consistent but when I do practice this, the results are astounding.

    I try to constantly ask what I am really hungry for?

    It makes the difference when I need to comfort using food or assists with making healthier choices. All the best to your friend, may she go from strength to strength.

    Take Care


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