The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Position Other Than 1 Available . . . . . I'll Take It!

All humans have a priority or value list!  And the way life goes, it is ranked and the world and people are experienced through that.  Experiences happen in life and then you  realise where you rank on the priority list of another.  Your partner makes choices to spend time in other areas and you always seem to not be number 1, when it comes to the crunch and your friend has a choice of who to help, they choose to smooth over another's pain over yours, your parents favour a sibling over you, you give your all at work to be respected and valued but somehow others always get more recognition, opportunity and money than you!

There is enough evidence you can gather on any subject on how you rank up against another's priority list.  The question is do you buy into it and let it control your choices and behaviour?

Simply put, the only priorities or values that need to grab your attention is your current ones!  And how happy you are with their order and how closely you are living them. If that is your life's focus, the rest gets a place that has little to no power over you.  When one is so busy worrying about the next person's success (whether deserving or not) or the next person getting more with "perceiving" them doing less, it is clear that their bigger picture for their life is no longer clear to them!

So the next time you feel the world is a bit unfair or that others are getting so  much more for doing so much less than you, it is life screaming at you to get back in touch with your bigger picture.  And you start by taking a look at your value system and the ranking of that and how it is currently manifested in your life!

You will soon realise that being number 2 on any subject is by your doing and not that of another.  You will also realise when you brave enough that the power and choice lies with you to move up to the number 1 position.



  1. Loved this post, I always say stay out of their heads, reside in your own. As, we can only be affected by someone else if we allow it to be ♥

  2. Amen Gemel. There is so much reward simply staying and focusing on one's path and not that of another. I am reminded of that daily!


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