The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Space You Occupy

This week the concept of our space has been resonating with me.  We all have a space or a bubble that surrounds us.  It carries and transmits our energy.  So how the world experiences us is contained within that.  It is strongest when you positive and most weakest when you negative.  So there is definitely something to be said about staying positive and focused on that for as long as you possibly can.

I experienced a meditation once where I was asked to get into that peaceful and safe space and then imagine myself creating my island around me that started containing those elements.  I then had to visualise myself going through life and going through my day to day experiences with this island always around me.  And whichever circumstance, person or experience that come onto my island was governed by my laws and my rules.  And my laws and rules where of peace, love, harmony and security!  What a stunning image that made

So this is more to encourage you to start looking at how to build this island around you and make it one where you are safe within it, one where you feel strong and loved and one where you feel at peace.  The great news is that if you can get this to be your constant, it does not matter where you go or where you find yourself, you have this island that radiates from the inside and keeps you safe and guided through your life experiences.

I am sure you have all sense some people with bad vibes or just get some weird feeling when you around them.  You somehow always have your back up.  And then there are some where you feel connected and safe with.  That has got something to do with what they projecting from the inside and the laws of their island that follows them as they navigate life.  It is also good to know that powerful positive thoughts and feelings hold strong against any negative thoughts or feelings.  Light does tae away dark.  So don't stress if you step into a hostile negative island, your positive laws will shine light.

I just find that living in this big city in Africa that it is a tad aggressive and full of people on a mission to get somewhere and obtain an outcome.  I am one of the star players in that game. So I do find that to be the dominant energy of JHB.  It is results orientated and getting somewhere fast.  No wonder most of us need time outs and leaving the city every December to replenish our souls outside of it.  Just a note that maybe if we started calming ourselves on the inside and started with just the basics of love and light for who we are just as we are.  We can find  a peace and security within our space or island.

That would be awesome for us to go out and into the city and experience each other on those terms.  So hopefully, this is the start of taking some thought at how we start with building our islands of peace, harmony, love and security. Happy Zen week to you!


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