The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Greatest Learnings - 5 Things

How funny is life!  Here I was going on about being wide awake and then I got smacked with some very interesting information revolving the "trust factor".  I will definitely write something about this later in the week.  But let me ponder on that for a little bit more.  So on this whole thing of learning best in the face of adversity and pain, some of my biggest lessons from some events. 

Would love to hear from you, so if you keen, copy and paste the list below into the comments section and let me know your greatest learnings :)
  1. The Big Heartbreak from the "at the time love of my life" : That my happiness is truly my business and my responsibility.  The greater my life is, the quicker I could see the beauty in life and move forward without them around
  2. The Big Work disappointment : This always gives me the opportunity to re-evaluate my life priorities and balance that this is all about me being my best and living my best life and work is but an aspect of that bigger picture
  3. The Big Betrayal from someone very close to me : This has been a recent discovery that has opened such a new perspective.  This really  makes me see how I  go about trusting myself and others and that the more surprised I am of the betrayal, the more I have been in denial or given that person a responsibility that is mine ultimately
  4. The Big Loss of something precious and dear to me : This makes me realise and validate my "I Deserve" factor.  It also makes me see how open I am to receiving new and better things and experiences in my life.  Very insightful experience
  5. The Big Expectation to live up to : When you come back to  middle, it really is a need to get approval that drives this.  And the question will always be whether or  not you are ok with where you are and not subsituting this for someone else's viewpoint

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