The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Song Crush : Listen! The Time Has Come!

Be reminded that your voice never dies.  It is never silenced!  Yes you get distracted, you can run away, you can block yourself from hearing or you listen to someone else's voice.  Be encouraged that your melody still plays on no matter what you do.  Embrace your melody and sing it out!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seeking First To Understand!

It was Stephen Covey that first introduced me to this in my early 20's.  Seek first to understand before being understood.  It implies dropping your bias, your judgement and pre-conditioned responses and really being present and listening to what is in front of you.  It comes done to hearing the truth!  It comes down to owning that and not leaving it up to someone else to perfectly phrase the truth for you.

But it takes courage to embrace change in you and your point of view.  It takes a trust that you can be open to see the world from a different perspective without it fundamentally destroying you or destroying the safe view you have of yourself.  It takes a strength to understand the world through someone else's eyes and being ok that it does not define you unless you choose it!

I have seen this in the past few weeks how we all have our filters and we have a choice to listen with our filters or drop them.  There is a definite change in approach when you "listen to reply" versus "listen to understand"  It is clear that when you listen to understand, that you have more influence and empowerment within your reach.

So seeking to understand need not be a scary or difficult activity.  You have choice at your disposal which means you are not bound by what is in front of you to take it on or even believe it.  It also helps me to know that no human in this world has all the facts and full truth at their disposal to completely understand a situation, an experience or a person.

All we can do is understand someone through their values and respect that they have their journey.  Imposing our view does not work.  A view that inspires change comes from a very powerful and pure place.  But it starts with understanding first what is in front of you!

So be encouraged to actively listen to the next person and be present.  Intend to listen to understand and see what unfolds!

Go Strong!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Journey To The Past!

Have the courage to journey to the past and face what you run away from.  Trust in your heart and clasp your courage to see you through.  It is when you stop running and start facing the past that you can start seeing it in perspective and use the power of choice to set it free and make space for great to come into your life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

LIfe Theme : Taking A Look Back

We all know that life goes on.  The world keeps on moving whether you want to be apart of it or not.  You can choose to stay the way you are and live life and expect the world to adjust to your point of view or you can adapt and simply go with the flow!  We meet people and share connections, life moves forward and some people leave our life.  But what is interesting is when paths cross again!  There is a fascinating process that happens in the moment you meet again!

For some, there is a quiet joy that bubbles when paths cross again.  You can see how you have evolved and have a different view of life, yourself and ideas.  You love how you have moved to a more deeper understanding or point of view that comes up when in the presence of that person.

Then there are the people that take you right back to that dark place in your head and heart.  Where you really did not have much love for yourself or had a very negative view of who you were at that time.  You can feel it when you hear someone speak of them or you realise that your paths are going to cross again.  You can recognise that feeling of self hatred and immediately you are taken back to that space of being in bad negative view of who you are just thinking about that person!

I have learnt that people are a true reflection of what is going on inside you.  The people in your life today are there to reflect something for you to take note of and work with.  Take a look at the people in your life that take back to that bad head space.  There is a clue for you to understand that theme or story you need to start releasing.

Go strong and aware!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 Things I love about about the dating game . . . .

It's the month of love! I bumped into a old friend from the past.  Weird how I felt like I had changed sooooo much! I was such a different person back then and could see that in that moment I said hello to him.  That is a good sign when one can look at life now and smile about who you are and how you continue to evolve!  Anyhoo, it seems like the favourite top question to ask one is are you seeing anyone special?  So for the single folk out there, here is CB's love list for dating!

5) The variety.  You can get so much out of the contrast between the various people you see and simply be open to see what is coming up for you as a person

4)  The first kiss and it is simply an awesome one!

3)  Finding that connection and tapping into that flow.  It is safe, easy going and simply natural!  Awesome when that happens!

2) You learn more about yourself against the contrast of learning about someone new.  You can see how you feel about certain things, how you have evolved on certain ideas and just a great checkpoint of where your head and heart is at!

1) It comes down to knowing someone and discovering them.  There is a rush going on this journey of getting to know someone on more than just one level.  It truly is an adventure!

But above all, I find that the best part about the dating game is that you realise it is when you are comfortable, safe and in love with who you really are, that is when the fun begins with anyone you meet and want to go on adventure with after that realisation!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day!  
Enjoy, Embrace, Love and be Loved! Blessings!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Loving All Things GLEE!

I finally got to watch the second season of Glee and I have simply been in love with the kids even more than the first season.  A list of my favourite moments / Songs :

6) Glee plus Empire State of Mind equals Fabulous

5) Blaine Does Teenage Dream - Yum! Yum!

4) Gwyneth Paltrow Does Rihanna - Sexy!

3) Kurt's Tribute To His Dad - Sniff Sniff

2) Kurt and Blaine Practice - Sweet and Perfect!

1) Sectionals Performance - Valerie - Santana was amazing!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Through It All . . . . . . It Comes Down To Humility!

Every successful person I know speaks of this.  They openly always say how lucky they are.  How grateful they are and how humbled they are by the blessings that live in their lives.  So there is something to be said about staying grateful and humble with all the blessings and good that exists in your life.  

I can see how success and life going all one's way can bring in an element of arrogance and taking for granted the gift of bliss and love.  

So here is to remembering to be GRATEFUL and staying HUMBLE with all the good that comes into your life.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Life Theme Check : Do All Good Things Come To An End?

This song has such a great beat.  I can picture some mellow dancing to this song.  Yum!

The question is what would it make you feel.  Some could feel that all good things do come to an end.  That whenever something awesome happens, they enjoy it for a 1 second and then start worrying about when it is going to end.  How self fulfilling will that turn out to be!

Some could believe that everything in life is temporary and that you feel and enjoy every moment of the good thing until it is gone.  And then wait for the next good thing!

Some could also believe that good things come to an end when you put out bad stuff.  So simply put out the good stuff so that when one good thing comes to an end, it is not a mourn the death of but more a celebration as another good thing, one even better than what you have now is ready to be experienced.  It could be that that chain of going from one good thing to better thing is infinite.  And all you have to do is put good stuff out there!

Now that is something to dance to! xoxo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Playing The Song Of Trust On Broken Strings!

Trust is a tricky emotion.  I can guess that it is the case because with trust comes security or an degree of safety.  And most of us love feeling safe in something as we go about life.  And in most cases, people give each other one shot at trusting each other 200%!  Once that is broken, it seems that it could never come back to being 200%.  Beyonce and Lady Gaga said it best in the Telephone video.

Trust is like a mirror.  You can mend a broken mirror but you can still see the cracks in the reflection!

It probably is up to the individual how they choose to deal with this.  I believe that trust is more about you not trusting yourself!  Think about this!  When someone breaks your trust and hurts you and takes the safety away that they have your best interests at heart, when you really look back, you know there were moments when that voice spoke to you to do something, ask something or get the truth on something!  But you ignored that and gave that person the benefit of the doubt!

And then it happens . . . . . . . . . . they break your trust!

So for me, the song of trust on broken strings, or the mended mirror is all about trusting in yourself and your response.  If it is that boyfriend that has come back for try number 2, if it is that friend that has promised to treat you differently after hurting you or if it is your family that promises they will do things differently, the point is that you know deep down what must happen and what you must do.

So it is about trusting in your response, your decisions and what you feeling.  And then it is the courage to make the choice that takes you forward.  So check and look around at those that have broken your trust.  Do you trust that you are in a place of making the best choice for you even if an option is to have them not part of your life?  Do you trust that you can make the choice that best serves your happiness?

That is the bottom line of broken trust for me if those people come back into your life.  It is about trusting in your response with what you know!


Take The Trust Test and see where you stand.  Some other views on trust from some of my favorite bloggers.  My LifeScape speaks about lessons in Love.   A Bucket List on Being Brazen speaks about being a trapeze artist.  Now that is trust!

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