The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Inspiration vs Motivation! Which side of the scale do we sit?

So I received the most interesting concept in my inbox today that really resonated with me. It was on the notion of what goes on inside us when we have inspiration versus motivation driving our actions. And I believe if we all dug a little deeper we would know that there is such a difference in what we manifest, create or deliver when we inspired as opposed to motivated.

So the bottom line:

Inspiration = It is very much like the sun. Lights and burns regardless. Its mission is to burn brightly and light up!

Motivation = Knowing a consequence and telling yourself I will do it or I won't do it but I am driven by the consequence rather than the action itself!

I wonder if we all took the time to see where our hearts and minds resonate (inspired living versus motivated living) and see the reality in our lives, I am sure it leaves us with some questions of where is the LOVE in what we do?

When I look at my life and see what inspired action has brought me, I am truly amazed and grateful for my inner light that was given a space to shine brightly despite doubt, fear, cynicism and the what-ifs. I see how all those actions have come into place to make my life the wonder and richness in some areas and the lack of it in some areas.

So I begin to see what this law of attraction means for us. We get still, breathe, open up to the inner wisdom and inner light that is gifted to us all. With trust and faith, we receive the inspiration and then as the definition of genius requires, we take action and work at it!

So my intention for myself and all of you is the following:

May your mind and heart be open to see possibilities in every situation effortlessly!
(borrowed from my mirror affirmation collection)

Figure out where you sit today, think back to when inspiration guided you and the result. Pray and affirm for a way to find your link back to your inspiration! Then get prepared for courageous action taking!
Practicality I am seeing how my breathe work is strengthening my link to my inspirational light. I am seeing how my spiritual work with my spiritual group and coach is helping me put context to my divine messages. By seeking truth and wisdom, it is being created within my life. I see this in my daily life at work, my blog and blogs that have come to me to follow and from various sources.

With love go forth and take inspired action..........................xoxo

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