The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Inspiration : Innovation : It's In The Little Things

Today's inspiration is a very simple yet powerful one.  I am busy reading through one of Robin Sharma's books called "The Leader Who Had No Title".  It is turning out to be a fascinating read.  What am I loving so far about the book is that I am able to apply the ideas immediately without having to wait for someone else's permission or a certain event to occur.  I can decide and so it will be.

The concept to soak in is this :
You can start today by understanding what can be done better, where you can breathe creativity in and where you can make the small changes to make a situation, an activity or yourself better!  That is innovation!

If you could just focus on making it a little better the next day than the day before, over time you will see an amazing transformation.  You can apply this to any subject in your life. Whether it be personal or professional.  Look at what makes this day better than yesterday and simply start doing it.  It does not mean grand gestures.  It is the gradual little pieces that you could improve on.

Go Strong!


  1. I needed to read this today. As I prepare to go back to teaching on Monday after a three week break I am finding myself nervous and filled with anticipation. My goal will be to make each day a little better than the one before, giving me something to focus on. Thank you!

  2. I am happy that this post has helped. I was feeling so overwhelmed with all I had to do and when I look at innovation as doing today better than yesterday, it is something that really empowers! Go Strong and thank you for the visit and comment :)


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