The TIme is to live and be happy now!

About Crazeebee

I am what the world would consider a successful individual. I have a great career that allows me opportunities to grow and be exposed to so much in life and I have access to a lifestyle that would bring joy to whoever had it. This has not been by accident!  I started scratching the surface of  the power that lies within when I realised that each human is blessed with gifts and power to make bliss a reality within their life. 

The trick is to start shedding those layers that prevent our connection to our ability to shine! My search for this for my life has now inspired me to share what happens when you give permission for the innate wisdom and intelligence within you to guide your actions to bliss! Some of us call this gut, inner wisdom, intuition or inspiration.  Some of us even trust God / A Higher Power / Fundamental Laws / Angels to give us that access to the guidance!  Whatever our beliefs, the point to remember is that we have access to it to build our best life!

I am in my 30's, like to think I have an open mind and I am a complete outcomes based individual. I love practicality but also love the concept of deep truth that exists within this world. My intention with this blog is to hopefully inspire or even enlighten based on how I see the world through my framework! Life is meant to be fun and one where we respond consistently with the great in us to any given experience in front of us. It is simple, you live and indulge in the pleasures on offer and work towards being in the zone of joy! Bliss, Love and Light! xoxo

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