I have found that no matter what you call it, for me it is a Life Theme that needs to be released to allow one to change their position to it. There are 2 great sources to help you. One is how you feeling? Happy and safe or Bothered and Sad? Then where is the evidence of this in your life? What current situations or experiences in your life are matching that feeling?
The essence to all this, find a process / way that allows you to examine your dominant beliefs of your life as it is!
You could be worried about the future in general because you never know what will take you out financially or health wise. When you look at your life, you can see little things going wrong that are causing unplanned expenses to add up or the stuff that brought you security changes such as a job, a contract etc! So essentially you don't trust in a good future for yourself and your ability to respond effectively to serve you! Some dominant negative belief is blocking that ability to trust in your greatness to make good on any situation!
You could find that you are constantly stressed in a relationship. This could be caused by your partner's career success or their amazing beauty or their perfect body or they just have their life together and you marvel at that. You basically are having to deal with the lack in your life when you constantly having to witness its abundance in your partner's life. Some negative belief related to you not being good enough is dominant!
The answer is there I swear. Geenen Roth in her book Women, Food and God explained a nifty process called Inquiry! It is being open and curious. And it is asking with an open mind what is there so it can unravel. It is starting with what is happening now and taking the journey with your body.
I quote from page 104 . . . . .
" When you inquire, you begin with whatever is happening now - from wanting a pizza to wanting to crawl into bed and stay there for the next fifty years . . . . .
An inquiry starts with wanting to know something you don't know. Wanting to know something you don't activates your curiosity; it elicits your openness. It evokes a part of you that is not a conglomeration of old beliefs, ideas, self-images, stories, identifications. . . . . .
Inquiry is body based . . . . . . .
You are feeling sad. You ask yourself where the feeling is located in your body. You notice a gray heap of ashes in your chest and up pops a belief that love exists for other people except me. You become curious about that belief. How old were you when you first learned that? And what were your feelings at the time that never got noticed or felt or understood? "
Ask the question, the answer will come. And you start at where your life is now!
With Love
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