Romantic Relationships! They can bring out the best or the worst in us. They can be exciting or simply scary! Either way, we each have a position to it and know what it means to us. I have had one of the biggest shifts in my perception/belief system when it came to how I saw relationships. I have settled on a truth that says I am ready to experience healing from romantic relationships just as I am!
How many of us single folk have been putting off being a relationship because we need to do "work" to be ready to experience the best in a relationship? How many of us hooked up folk wonder what is causing your partner to stick around and love you? How many of us simply question our worthiness to enjoy the best of a relationship? It's reflective power, healing ability, embracing nature, warm safety, harsh realities and ability to see ourselves more clearly!
Then we get to work! So we go on making ourselves better and keeping in shape, getting our lives together, work hard on getting our baggage out the way so we can be whole and real for someone else. For those in a relationship, we are constantly looking at self improvement to ensure we keep that flame burning like when you first met. There is a constant call to keep up the work as there is simply no room for complacency. And as you get wrapped up in all this "work" you need to do to be the best you can be to have the great love, you without even knowing it, start securing this wall around you! This cocoon that allows you to grow and improve and shuts out the person you trying to be your best with!
I have always judged relationships where I detected a neediness between the couple. Or one where I found the one needed the other to complete them and make them their best. It truly bothered me that we need someone to make us whole and better. That dependency made me want to throw up! I could never make peace with women who gave up their careers, their lives for a man. I could never understand why some men would do some stupid stuff to show their love for their loved ones. It seemed all so silly. I could never see how a couple could fight all the time and work on each other's nerves and still stay together. I never got it!

And so when you embrace that men in a romantic sense can help you in so many ways to find yourself, your bliss and truth, the pressure of him being THE ONE potentially can go away. Because it no longer is about you being in that perfect body, having that perfect career, living that perfect self awareness that you can handle anything, owning that perfect house and having that perfect man that fairytales are written about for happily ever after! It is about you right now in this moment being ready to enjoy the best of a romantic relationship with a man. That's enough for you to heal and move forward . . . .
Whether you are fat, have no life game plan, feel like the worst scum, fear the world, hate yourself or even feel like you are not worth it, there is a GRACE, a LOVE that exists to help you find you, your way and your truth if you simply are willing to ask for it. And it could come in the form of a healing romantic relationship! How exciting!
With Love
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