The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Month In Review : I AM WORTHY!

Wow!  How quickly a month goes by.  January 2012 has come to an end and  I sincerely hope that I have been able to plant some seeds to help you along your journey of living your best, responding as your best and inviting that higher wiser self to express itself through your human experience.

For me, I now believe and can buy that worthiness is a about letting the energy reach you and flow through you.  When you allow that love, gratitude and amazingness of harmony with the greatness of life,  that is when you realise the power of you, the amazingness of you and how special you are to have such a gift to create beauty, love and bliss.  Worthiness and feeling worthy is down to embracing that and living that beauty!

And it starts with little things, little decisions, little choices and sometimes just relaxing into the goodness.  This month I have been able to up my worthiness using how I feel about any subject in my life.  I have become a huge fan of the emotional scale introduced by the teachings of Abraham from Jerry and Ester Hicks.  Using this scale I understand where my feeling on a subject is sitting.  The lower I am, the more resistant I am to allowing my worthiness to be as best as it can be.  It has been a profound experience to deliberately make a choice to up  my vibration levels on any subject in my life that speak to me.

I have seen the beauty of new doors opening in romance.  I have seen the peace that comes from relaxing into the changes at work that allow me to be more effective, empowered and happier.  I am beginning to appreciate that my body is a reflection of my internal mental and emotional war and when that is at peace my body responds and transforms to its true beautiful natural self.  I wake up with a smile more often than I used to.  I am easing into chaos and uncertainty with a growing curiosity that deepens my understanding of me.  I see how surrendering to a higher power for support makes me more powerful than I could ever be just going it alone.  And in certain areas, I can feel that moving through them is getting easier.  It is truly exciting!

Today you make the little choices to let the goodness in.  It comes down to surrendering and allowing the goodness to flow to you.  Bliss!  That makes you worthy!

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