The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Speaking your truth! What is the HIT rate?

The past couple of days have been particularly stressful for me. I have been caught in the middle of so much. So many people wanting a piece of my time, my brain, for me to do something and then "NAGGING" for it. That is probably the bottom line. I have been constantly nagged!. It was all feeling turbulent by the end as it just all added up.

Yet through all this stormy adventure, I kept forging ahead with remembering strong moments and trying my best to have more of them. I was drawn to the concept that those strong moments are really my truth! That is the essence of me and my soul's voice on loudspeaker when I fully embrace and choose to be in those moments! And then my question. . . . . . . .

Just how high was my hit rate of strong moments during a typical day? How often is my truth real in my day-to-day life?

Speaking your truth takes on so many forms as I have seen this past week. It is speaking up for myself from a place of authenticity. This is not a place of judgement or self righteousness, but more a place of where I am and how I am experiencing a situation. It is standing by my beliefs and intentions when the world calls me on it. It is deciding to play big when I am asked to and embrace the cards in front of me.

It is in one's decisions and in the choices when the decision does not work out or works out. It is when the pressure is on and your back is up against the wall and then you play a card. It is going beyond your internal chatter, judgement and noise and seeing a person, a situation or experience from a higher perspective than just what your world is!

I have been very drawn to a couple of words that stand out when I find myself reading text on anything. TRUTH and SAFE! I am beginning to see the correlation between what makes us feel safe is what we tend to try and keep around and strong in our lives. Whether it is good or bad for us is not the bottom line. It is what makes us feel safe that drives the reality! Is that not the basis of our relevant beliefs?

A truth that feels safe to us! (Whether good or bad. There is no difference!)

We can trust it because we know it, it is tested and all outcomes are familiar and comforting to us. That is probably why we steer quickly and effortlessly to certain behaviour when we put in situations that bring out our survival mode. So turning up the heat, pressure, challenge exposes what we believe to the world. Then there is the other side, when we really do not have to, when there is no perceived gain, how do we behave? Would you do something if there was no-one watching? Is working hard your driver because you get joy or because someone praises you and your worth is validated by money or reputation?

When I bring this back to strong moments, there is wisdom in understanding why they feel so great! What switches go on inside you in those moments.

And once we unpack it, look at desire at the surface value, work through that "ring of fire" (release work!) and move to our core or soul. That is where truth lies. I borrow this from Martha Beck who explains this concept beautifully.

And we know what truth should really feel like. We burn with aliveness, we feel desire course through our bodies that is delicious, energising and primal! There is pleasure and bliss. You want to take off and soar. You feel limitless. That is what living your truth offers.

I celebrate the notion that every experience is an opportunity to express your truth! That truth that sits deep within your soul. So when you look at your typical day! When you add up all up all those strong amazing moments which in essence represents your life! What is the hit rate of truth? How often are you living in strong energising moments? Is it 50%, 60% or 80%?

I am willing to go as far as to say that the happiest people I know can confidently stand up and quote me high hit rates! Just some food for thought!


"Your truth is there to be experienced! It shines brightly to guide you through the ocean that is life! Seek your light!"

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the truth is difficult to say, even to our self, yet to be true to ourself is the only way to be.


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