The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prioritising Moments!

I hate traffic! I try avoiding it at all costs. Spending time in my car is seen as a absolute waste of time of me. I have always felt the opportunity cost of being stuck in a car was just too high! What else could I have been doing and achieving? I get really frustrated everytime I find myself driving to work or somewhere and then there is traffic jam. I can get pretty angry about the the whole situation! I know now that what the bigger bottom line is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I carry the following affirmation:

"There is not enough time to do all I want and need to . . . . . . . . . . . . . "

And when I look at the reality at my life, it is a constant battle between what I love doing to what I need to do out of duty! A see-saw that constantly feeds my affirmation above and makes it so REAL in my life! All the meetings that fill my diary daily, all the people that are needy for answers and direction, people that need me to think for them and take on their work! Finding myself loving living in my home and the suburb it is located in BUT my home finds itself in the suburb known for having the worst traffic in the city! Finding that most projects I find myself on are on stretch targets and we just have to always give more and more of our time to make it! My industry that is deadline driven and with all the pieces and cogs that need to be in place to make the machine run, you have the feeling that time is just not enough!

Firstly, I am happy that I can see the above link to the this powerful affirmation I hold and how it has weaved itself into my reality! I am thankful for that awareness. I can now take the next step.

I stumbled across an article the other day where it spoke towards successful people prioritising moments over goals! I loved this as it resonated with my belief that we all find ourselves on the inspiration vs goal scale. Goal orientated action gets us somewhere but inspired action sets us apart and takes us to bliss easier! I touched on this in Inspiration vs Motivation! Which side of the scale do we sit?

So the whole idea is that we search our hours, days, weeks for the moments when we feel strong, energised or blissful and be in those firstly and secondly move our life towards living them more. I have no idea how this all hangs together practically but I can buy that in the little things that we do consistently, makes the bigger difference in our lives. So I am pretty open to giving this a try and seeing the result.

When I look back this week, I can see moments as being:
  • My sessions with my trainer. I love how I get to push my body and see it get stronger by the days. I also love the interaction I have with my trainer. It is honest, sincere and enlightening. Great for me to look past a physically beautiful man and engage the person under all that sex appeal, muscles and sex fantasy baggage that I used to put on him! I am seeing the person and that is beautiful.

  • Bringing people on the same page. Everyday at work is an opportunity to do this and I love it when I my day is filled with these opportunities and moments. I get to join the dots, paint the picture and make it accessible. Awesome!

  • Showering at the local gym! Believe it or not it gives me a sense of freedom and that it is ok to be seen for me! In those moments I give over my trust that those that matter see my beauty.

I see that when I look at life from all the strong moments I have had, I am more grateful and have a higher hit rate of feeling blessed. All we looking for are the moments of feeling bliss, why not prioritise the strong ones and move towards having more of those. I am convinced when you raise your head after doing this for a while, there you will find passion, purpose and the answers to action needed to be happy. Screams the seeds to growing something special indeed!

So give it a shot! Prioritise and live your strong moments! I started with just the next hour and that grew to the next half day to the next day and so on . . . . . . . . It gets a delightful life of its own!

Live strong!



  1. Thank you, great post as always..

    I always have soothing music in my car, so when stuck in the dreaded traffic jam, I float along and watch the other people around me, wondering, what do they do, where are they going, who are they, it takes the stress out of the situation and relaxes me completely......

  2. Thanks Gemel! Music also makes a huge difference to me.

  3. Before I was forced to retire I used to say that I didn't have enough time to do all the things I wanted to do. Somehow I got everything done and prioritized beautifully. Now that I am retired I don't have time for anything. I am busier than I have ever been. Don't believe them when they tell you that when you retire you'll be bored. I wrote a book, I hav painted several major paintings, I do the gardening, clean the pool, clean house and cook for seven people. Before that I had a gardener, a cook, a cleaning lady and what time I had left I managed to paint and do some writing. Now this blog takes a lot of time and everything else does as well. Just thought you should know that it is not easy.

  4. Hey Raulito,

    thanks for comment. Wow life seems busy. I guess it is never easy which is what I am realising. So I am settling for fun. As long as there is fun.

    take care



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