The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 : Hunks In My LIfe

Men! Can't live without them as much as we try.  They have their appeal and they have that pull.  Male energy is extremely sexy, bold and dashing.  And when it is all wrapped up in a wonderful package, one cannot help but admire it.  There have been a few STUDS that caught the CrazeeBee eye this year and I would like to celebrate their sexiness.  Here is the list for 2011.  Enjoy!

5. The Pleasant Surprise - Lance Weyer - He is the newly crowned Mr Gay SA 2011.  I must say I was rather impressed as this is the first time I can see beauty with a purpose.  He has grey matter and balances that with a life full of adventure.  Gotta love that.  Loving Lance!

4. The Rising Star - Novak Djokovic - I loved watching Novak find his strength, passion and winning streak over 2011.  He is really awesome to watch.  He has loads of personality and something you really want to know more about.  His fun approach to life is the way to go and that is sexy!

3.  The Nurturer - Anonymus
- I have no idea who this is but this pic reminds me of someone really great.  And that is the guy that is simply sexy because of his awesomeness, genuine intentions and good heart.  All that packed into a sexy man is wonderful to see and experience.

2.  The Rugby Player - Michael Sullivan - This is such a man's man.  He is bold alpha male at it's best.  He is all things masculine, prince charming and oozes sexiness in his presence.  You really just want to be a damsel and have him rescue you as it is always soooooo sexy everytime he does it.  He definitely is the type fairytales are written about.

1.  Jason Borish - I am not sure what it is about this man, but he has had CB's attention!  He is simply gorgeous.  There is an intensity in the eyes and the physical bigness is a delicious invite.  It is also there is some pull to discover and know him.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 : Divas That Blazed!

What is a year without a tribute to the Divas that rocked it.  I don't care how I get judged for this but I am such a huge fan of girl power.  There is something very special, nurturing and inspiring seeing ladies doing great stuff and making a difference in this world and to people.  So I always celebrate great ladies as they have an awesome place in this world.  Salute!

My top 5 divas included :

5.  Beyonce - I was really touched when I saw what Beyonce went through with making her latest Album named "4".  Doing it all on her own.  I respect her wanting to take it on and make what she needed to make happen on her own.  I loved the music on the Album and salute this women who takes talent and turns it into the best life.  And makes it look so effortless.  Inspiration!

4.  Brandy - Brandy's reality show got my attention this year.  I have always felt linked to her.  Seeing that we both more or less the same age, I do feel that her and I go through the same kind of stuff.  So I can really relate to her music and could relate even more seeing what she went through in her reality series.  Her whole being open for love really struck a chord.  So thanks Brandy for showing the way!  Got some gems along the way.

3.  Rihanna - This women simply sizzles at all angles.  Wow!  Loved her music this year.  It really got me in touch with my inner sex goddess.  hehehehehehe  So thank you Miss R for all her sexy tunes. Rock on Sista!

2.  Kelly Rowland - I am not sure what it was, but her music was full of love, hope and surrendering to the greater moment.  I loved every bit of what she was saying through her music.  It really helped me with surrendering over some of my limiting stories and just letting go and having fun.  Thank you for the adding that fun factor to life!

1.  Oprah - Oprah is one of the wisest and most awesome individuals that I know of.  She truly is my heroine and I have such respect and love for how she lives her life and goes about living it to its best.  Huge fan Darlin!!  Meeting her is on my bucket list.  Just a sit down and a chat with her would be such a great life dream come true.  So until then, I celebrate the awesome example she is to me as a person in owning and living her power.  Love her!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 : TV That Rocked

One thing I do know for sure is that TV is such a useful distraction from life, time and challenge.  It is one of the best escapes and can be addictive when you are running away from something.  But it does have it's place in our world and there is some magic to it when it is enjoyed for what it can be.  A source to appreciate a story, creativity and indulge the senses.  Below is the top 5 CrazeeBee TV Love List :

5.  True Blood - I can't explain it but I am hooked.  I do find the storylines weird and a bit open ended and not explained very well.  Example : When will Sookie finally get a handle on her powers, understand what she can do and do something about it? (she frustrates me not simply honing her powers!).  Anyhoo, it has the sexiest men on TV in the series and it helps seeing all those Macho men do their thing. It is all so primal ;)

4.  The Secret Circle - This had to grow on me.  I think it is the same writers as The Vampire Diaries.  But this has the same fantasy feel as Vampire Diaries.  I get the feeling of Dawson's Creek meets Supernatural with this series.  The storyline started off extremely slow for me but it is picking up and getting me hooked.  I am keen to see where it goes

3.  Gossip Girl - With NewYork as a backdrop, I am interested.  I love the city of New York.  The appeal is just the lifestyle and fashion.  The drama is ok and there are some real moments I found very cool.  But all in all it is about the lifestyle.  A boy can dream about all that sparkle!

2.  The Vampire Diaries - This is sheer indulgence and escape for me.  There are so many storylines, mystery and drama.  I just cannot get enough of it.  And I always watch wishing for another episode to follow so I can know what is happening.  It is truly an awesome series if one merely just wants to escape.

1.  Glee - I could not get enough of this series.  What a joy.  For me it is the awakening of the characters and how they go about finding themselves and start making a place for themselves in this world.  It is just so marvelous to watch.  And as they discover their magic and what is special about them, I find some form of healing.  And it helps that they combine such great music with it all.  Yay!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Things I Will Take Note Of!

I am stuck at an airport on route back to JHB after spending time with family for Xmas.  Been very reflective as a result of being so close to closing out 2011.  Some things I will take note of going forward that I believe that most of us should give a try:

  1. Be curious with any situation!  This seems so simple but it is a great practice.  When you curious, you are open, when you are open, you are ready for deeper understanding.  I have realised how my judgement this year has caused me to miss out on some amazing adventures.  So I am taking the plunge to be more curious as I venture on
  2. Surrender it all!  Control has been a strong theme in my life the past year.  And with all this hard work and control, the idea of surrender was never an option.  The truth is that we really do not control anything for very long.  All we have is our choice and access to wisdom to guide us along the way.  So it is realising that we can surrender to a higher power and go along for the ride trusting in our ability to make the right choice and taking inspired action
  3. Deepen your understanding of healthy boundaries!  There is something to be said with having healthy boundaries.  I realised that I personally have not quite got the balance right.  I am either too aggressive or too accommodating without much in the middle.  So for me, I get that it has something to do with my internal filters on what is truth and not truth for me and how I allow others to treat me.  Work in progress!
  4. What have you done to make you feel proud?  Imagine asking yourself this question every night before going to bed.  If you are really serious about living your best life, this question would allow you to understand how close you are living and expressing your highest joy and passion.  This is something I am going to add to my gratitude practice.  
  5. What is neglected will find a way to get your attention!  Life has a way of getting your attention for the important stuff that you neglect.  And the more you ignore it, the more elaborate, aggressive and louder it becomes.  So be willing to be curious and listen to what life is bringing to you in terms of messages of wisdom

Monday, December 26, 2011

Train On A Track

This is such an awesome gem of a song.  This can remind one of how when great things get put into motion, how they grow and grow and the amazingness just happens.  May this week be just that.  The start of putting greatness for your life in motion and have it just grow into something amazing.  Train on a track to bliss!


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to those who do celebrate it!  

May the gift of love and curiosity be yours from this day onwards
May it take you on a journey of deeper understanding
May it unfold the adventure of the beauty of who you are and the possibilities that you can experience
May it be the path to bliss with a perspective that nourishes and inspires your best life in any moment you experience

Love CB

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Talking Dirrty!

I will admit that when I saw this episode and what Miranda got up to, I was a little stomped as to how to articulate what I needed to.  Hehehehehehe  How does one give a perspective on talking dirrty in bedroom? Miranda is sleeping with this guy and he loves a verbal run down of what is happening during sex.  Miranda had an issue with it because she did not want to feel the need to articulate in the bedroom over and above the need to articulate herself in all other aspects if her life.

My only conclusion could be that maybe she had issues being present in the moment.  All part of the defense mechanism to open up and be in that moment and going with honestly expressing what she was about.  Miranda is known for all those barriers, this could simply just be another one in terms of not being able to be open, honest, vulnerable and intimate.

The CrazeeBee take is that it is about connection and being true in the moment.  To express yourself in that manner, even if verbal is part of it, is all good as long as it comes from a honest beautiful place.  I also feel that when it is between people who are having sex not really knowing each other, that it can be intimidating and not safe to truly be who you are.  But it comes down to being in a safe space to just be yourself, vulnerable and honest.  Sometimes, it is more about you being comfortable with who you are and how you express yourself no matter who you are with.

And this opens a deeper theme!  What are the boundaries and safe zones within a relationship.  Sex does blur the boundaries people!  If you truly going to make the best of the time with "hotrod" you will need to let down your boundaries and experience.  There is an element of that creeping into the other parts of the relationship.  But it comes down to you.  Miranda was happy just shagging and played a role.  If she wanted more, maybe it was her embracing a bigger picture of the guy she was with because situations as above, would be handled in a much more loving way by herself.

If there are "safe zones" in a relationship, it needs to raise the question of how you both evolve together!  Someone is stuck and not willing to deal with a shadow.  Cannot be the base for a great foundation if one truly wants intimacy . . . . . .

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The First Time : 5 Things

I was catching up on one of my favorite TV Series the other day.  Glee!  Anyhoo, I was watching an episode when some characters where going through their awakening sexuality and wanting to share intimately that side of them with their partner.  I kept on bringing my baggage into the equation with stuff like, you are only 17 people!  What do you know and is it not too early on in life to take that kind of plunge?

It got me thinking that for some of us, our first time was to be forgotten and for some, our first time was all special and amazing when we look back.  Some CrazeeBee thoughts:

  1. The one thing I would teach my kids is to make choices that they are comfortable with.  There is probably no way I could ever stop them from experiencing what they need to for their path and as scary as that would be for me, the only thing I could ever do for them is try my best to make them see all sides of the equation.  As long as they are comfortable they can source the information they need to be safe and make an empowered choice then I have done all I could do
  2. There is something to be said with knowing someone on a level that makes you feel safe to open up to share that intimate part of you.  That is probably the scariest part of sex for some.  Exposing that deep vulnerable side and having someone experience that
  3. It definitely is a reflection of how much you trust yourself and love yourself to just be as you are.  Going into something that is meant to be felt and experienced and staying in your head the whole time judging yourself, the situation and the guy just speaks to where you are with loving yourself
  4. There is the reality for some where it is just clumsy and awkward but I can bet when there are strong feelings of love and caring involved, it is looked back with love and fondness 
  5. There are some that go there when they are not ready for the consequence of what comes after sharing that with someone, or go there for reasons other than what is right for them and what  makes  them comfortable.  There is no way to turn back time, but there is a place of choice to listen more to what speaks from the inside and go ahead with choices that truly sit within power within one's self.  It is a mistake but one where you can do the work and forgive yourself and move on to open up for someone special.  The first time has its place but sharing deeply and connecting with someone is always available to all on this earth, no matter your background and mistakes!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Something weird is happening lately.  I am noticing background music when I watch TV.  I am enjoying the music more than the actual scene.  This song is simply a sexy one.  Can you see yourself simply cuddling up with your partner and snogging.  When last have you just kept it simple? Just you and your boo?  May this week inspire some cuddling and snogging.  Some old school loving! Yum!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

CrazeeBee Love : Luca's Restaurant

Awesome Food, Good Friends and Honest Sharing are always a good combination.  I am a huge fan of Luca's restaurant.  There is something special about it's vibe and food.  There is a love that I can appreciate about it.  It also speaks so much of all things Italian.    A culture of being in the moment and enjoying that moment to the highest quality possible.  Love it.

I love the House Salad.  Yes it is a salad and it rocks!  My other favourite dish is the Tagliolini Incazzati.  Yum Yum!

Link below for your enjoyment if you live in JHB.  Highly recommend it :

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

5 Things To Note About Surrendering

I am a typical A-type, outcomes based, instant gratification, control freak.  The art of allowing and surrender is such a stretch for me most of the time.  But one thing that I have been open to of late is that there is a better less stressful way to get what I want and that it is worth testing and trying out this surrender thing.  Some things I  have picked up along my journey with starting to get comfortable with the art of surrender :

  1. There is a bigger picture on any subject you have in your life.  You might not understand today or now but there is an opportunity to get deeper understanding and a bigger perspective.  Surrendering to something  bigger opens you to take in a deeper perspective and see it differently
  2. Think of a flower and learn from how it is able to just be.  It is most beautiful when it blooms.  And it blooms to take in the sun in all its glory.  That is something like surrendering.  When you open your heart and take in the glory, love and power that is showered from that higher wiser power, you can operate at your most beautiful and powerful
  3. You have to be willing to drop your current story on a subject and open up to curiosity to explore and have a story be told to you.  The purpose of experiences is to feel them and assimilate them and move onto to something new to evolve and expand who you are.  Not get stuck on one particular experience or set of experiences.  Be willing to give over your current story and ask to see it a different way that serves you and your happiness
  4. The Universe is really on your side if you allow it.  It simply grants your wish!  So check what you wishing for.  And that is linked to your most  powerful and consistent stories
  5. Take note when things simply work out without you having to do much other than just be there to receive or go with the ride.  That is the universe at work and you being in tune with the flow of life.  Some great validation what surrender brings you

Monday, December 12, 2011

Joyful Joyful

I grew up christian and I will say when I was younger, I did not appreciate the beauty and depth of love that christianity does speak of.  I do see that now.

This week's song is really about surrendering to the higher power our struggles and pain.  It is surrendering it to a wisdom, intelligence and love that can take what you see and feel and transform that.  So take your pain and surrender it and ask for the wisdom to see it differently with deeper understanding and an empowered view.

Have a week of wisdom and seeing through the eyes of love!

Joyful Joyful, Lord we adore Thee
God of Glory, Lord of Love
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee
Hail Thee as the sun above
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day

Saturday, December 10, 2011

CrazeeBee Gone Fishin

Just a note to say sorry for no posts!  Life has been chaotic but as a wise person has told me, in that chaos comes the birth of something new.  There is huge change and chaos when we are born, so going with the notion that new wisdom and experiences lie ahead of me.  So expect to see some posts coming up.  I am back in the swing of things.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 Things To Remember About That Nasty Person!

We all have them in our lives.  Those people we deem as nasty and simply hard work to deal with.  They always seem to have it in for us and simply  make us feel like crap every chance they get.  Some things to note:

  1. You are bigger than their reaction and response to who you are or what you say.  We forget that and that we have a choice to allows them to make us feel inferior!
  2. What they are doing reflects more about them than about you.  You really need to have your filters in place that can extract the truth from what they say or do
  3. When you strong enough to be willing, open and curious to understanding what they saying deeper, you understand what it is from where it comes and that context is priceless
  4. There is a belief that something you not aware of attracts the situation or nasty person, so it is a clue to the story you are telling yourself that needs understanding
  5. At the end of the day, sometimes the person is simply a bitter asshole despite your best intentions!  But you have a choice to walk away or engage.  If you engage, may it be with the ability to respond with the wisest, most loving and powerful you

Monday, November 28, 2011


There really are not other words to add to this other than simply listen and go with it.  There is a truth that we are beautiful.  It is finding your path to seeing that.  Hopefully this song helps you on your path to living that truth.  Mwah!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

CrazeeBee Love : Recording What You Eat

So I have embarked on this "let's look at what I eat" thing.  I have hired a nutrionist and the advice I am getting has helped me a great deal.  I do see the whole concept of why balance is important.  But what has been really awesome is the website and mobile app called myFitnessPal.  Check it out at .  I am loving it and here is why:

  • There is a huge database where I can find what I need in terms of food
  • I can easily pick up my patterns and see the consequences of my choices
  • It is iPhone friendly and that is the best as I have it on the go
  • It just is easy and use and quick to capture
  • You realise that you do stick to a routine and can get some great insight from it
Give it a try and see what happens.  The trick is not to be obsessive about it in terms of killing yourself to make the targets.  It is simply being honest and recording it.  You still have choice and still have consequence whichever you choose is the way to go.  And you can figure out a way to balance what you indulge in versus eating what is good.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 Things About Forgiveness

I am in the middle of doing my release work on a theme that I have discovered over the past couple of weeks.  I am amazed at how many of the release work that one has to do is about forgiveness.  And it is simply to let go of what holds you down.  Here are some key things I know about forgiveness :

  1. It is not about saying that what the person has done to us is ok and does not mean that you are friends again and have to break bread with the person.  It is more about letting go of the story in your head and heart that the person has reflected to you
  2. It never is about about the other person, it is all about you!  Which means you do not need a grand gesture or something dramatic to happen from that person to allow you to forgive them.  You can do it in the space within your heart and that only requires you and your choice
  3. It does come down to choice of story to follow.  It will bring you to a point where you will see that the pain is linked to a story you carry.  And you can choose to lay it down or keep it
  4. Practice the art of releasing physically in meditations.  It is easy to let go!  Start by releasing tension from your head, our eyes, your ears, your cheeks, simply let them relax and take it deeper with each breath.  Continue this same practice throughout your body.  Notice that you can choose to release and how easy it can be
  5. Visualisation also helps.  I use a guided meditation where I visualize a sparkly river and I can visualize me taking that pain or story and placing in the river and watch it dissolve and flow into light.  It just provides an atmosphere for you to open to letting your story go

Monday, November 21, 2011

Something Inside So Strong

I heard this song watching a documentary about the 1995 World Cup.  It really moved something within me and I felt that I really needed to share this.  This reminds one that when you are faced with challenge, fear, nastiness from people, pressure and stress.  That there is something inside you so strong.  You cannot be broken, you cannot be defeated unless you choose it.  So this week, this one goes out to all of us who need a reminder that no matter what we going through, there is something inside so strong that will carry us through.  Blessed week to you all.  Mwah!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Enjoy Loving People In My Space

When you are able to just be with yourself in that space of safety and love, you open the door to know what you really about.  You can then recognise how to invite people into your life that love you as you are.  Enjoy all those in your life that simply love you as you are.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Can Go Beyond The Fears & LImitations Of Others

It started when we were little.  Our parents played the role of something bigger we trusted in, in whatever state they lived their lives.  So it was natural that when they feared something or had limitations that we made it part of our story.

The Good News : It is a story that we can choose to follow or not

Life will drape more circumstance wear someone will have a fear or limitation.  It could be someone you trust that you perceive has the bigger picture.  It could be a boss, a hero, a lover or someone you really admire.  They are human as much as we are.  So remember in that situation that you have the power to choose.  You can choose the story to follow.  You can choose to venture beyond the limitations and fears of others and know for yourself what possibilities lie out there.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

There Is No Need To Compete For Your Love

When you loving yourself right and you understand that only you can make yourself happy, there will come a point when you realise that you don't have to compete for someone's attention, love or affection.  That will flow naturally as a result of you stepping into your greatness and radiating your light.  It will draw them in honeys, cause they love a good thang! So step in and revel in your beauty, your warmth and your light.  The rest will come as a result.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What Is Inside Me, Is In My World Physically

I realise more and more that what we carry inside us as dominant stories are really a reality within our worlds.  I made a huge realisation this weekend.  A big theme in my life of late is the concept of COMPETITION.  I now see how powerfully it has manifested in my life and the signs are screaming at me to surrender it.  This is a whole other post.

For now, the blessing is that we have the power to shift what is inside us to manifest.  So you choose what to hold onto to manifest in your world.  Even if it is one thought more positive than what you currently have, it has vibrational power.

So go and choose one thought at a time, something more positive than where you currently are.  That's all you really need.  One step closer to happiness at a time

Fix You

We all want to feel special on some level.  That we are ok and don't need to be anything than who we are.  Our soul knows that and our spirit knows that.  Would someone please tell our EGO!  These false masks and drapes that we wear to make us feel special?  Are they really worth it?  When we perceive the world through the lenses of criteria other than what our soul knows, then we are so open to feel worthless, unpretty and not special.  The energy of the song let's one know that  there is a path back to light, to what your soul deeply knows for sure.  That you matter just as you are.  It is now up to you to shed the false drapes, lenses and masks.  Release it!

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones 

Friday, November 11, 2011

You Are Safe In The Midst Of Change

Today is a very big day in my head and heart.  The 11/11/11!!!!  Shoo I feel like it is such a powerful manifestation day and a day to put out there one's deepest desire.  Change is the only constant and that is a truth that  many of us hate to admit to.  There is definitely a call  to rely on how we respond to any situation or experience in front of us.  We usually feel unsafe within that moment when realise how the world can change around us.

Today, I put out there that I can get in touch and always find my way to my authentic power.  That no matter the situation, the experience, the change that I figure out a way to get to my power, my connection to Divinity, Universal Intelligence and my Soul's wise voice.  That is the path to happiness, to joy, to dealing with any situation.  Responding with the best of me supported and fuelled by the GRACE of LOVE.

Blog Crush : Silverfaeries & Dragonflies: Oprah's Lifeclass 1: The False Power Of Ego

I was truly inspired after reading this blogpost.  It speaks to the power of your Ego and what it can do to you in how you interact with the world.  I love the part that speaks to it's definition : "You take exterior elements and (societal expectations, your own expectations created according to material expectations) and apply those to your self worth"  

Powerful phrase!  Read on and be enlightened thank to Silverfaeries & Dragonflies.

Silverfaeries & Dragonflies: Oprah's Lifeclass 1: The False Power Of Ego: The first lesson in Oprah's Lifeclass, The False Power Of Ego , is led by special guest Eckhart Tolle . I first learned about this author ...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

You Have A Vision

There is a vision deep inside you.  It comes out in your dreams, in the way you react to the world and the way you feel from moment to moment in your life.  You will live your life and you will experience.  In the bad experiences you have contrast that lets you know what you want in a clearer manner.  You experience the good and in so you can understand how you got there to keep it going.  So open yourself to your experiences, they help clear up your Vision on what happiness in your life is

CrazeeBee Love : Janet Jackson

Darlins!  It is Janet Jackson in JHB South Africa tomorrow evening to entertain and dazzle us in a very cool Nos 1's concert.  I am all excited.  I have been a fan for so long and love the work she does.  Below are some of my favourite Janet songs. You Go Miss Jackson!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thank You For Brilliance

It is a wonderful moment when people show their brilliance and it rubs off and you can embrace and show your brilliance.  It shows just how much creativity and innovation we possess as humans.  Thanks to the people in my life that show me their brilliance.  When I am brave to partner with it rather than compete or feel threatened by it, I am able to leverage it and tap into my brilliance.  Amen!

I Am At Peace With My Age

Each age has its own special joys and experiences. When you are living with joy and purpose, your age is something you love and embrace.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thank You For Healing Conversation

I am so grateful for open honest healing sharing that I enjoy with the people in my life.  It is a blessing to have truth in my life that helps me be better.  That helps with clearer choices and that helps me deepen my understanding.  The people in my life are true gems for what they share with me.  Thank you for loving me to be lovingly honest with me.

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