The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prioritising Moments!

I hate traffic! I try avoiding it at all costs. Spending time in my car is seen as a absolute waste of time of me. I have always felt the opportunity cost of being stuck in a car was just too high! What else could I have been doing and achieving? I get really frustrated everytime I find myself driving to work or somewhere and then there is traffic jam. I can get pretty angry about the the whole situation! I know now that what the bigger bottom line is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I carry the following affirmation:

"There is not enough time to do all I want and need to . . . . . . . . . . . . . "

And when I look at the reality at my life, it is a constant battle between what I love doing to what I need to do out of duty! A see-saw that constantly feeds my affirmation above and makes it so REAL in my life! All the meetings that fill my diary daily, all the people that are needy for answers and direction, people that need me to think for them and take on their work! Finding myself loving living in my home and the suburb it is located in BUT my home finds itself in the suburb known for having the worst traffic in the city! Finding that most projects I find myself on are on stretch targets and we just have to always give more and more of our time to make it! My industry that is deadline driven and with all the pieces and cogs that need to be in place to make the machine run, you have the feeling that time is just not enough!

Firstly, I am happy that I can see the above link to the this powerful affirmation I hold and how it has weaved itself into my reality! I am thankful for that awareness. I can now take the next step.

I stumbled across an article the other day where it spoke towards successful people prioritising moments over goals! I loved this as it resonated with my belief that we all find ourselves on the inspiration vs goal scale. Goal orientated action gets us somewhere but inspired action sets us apart and takes us to bliss easier! I touched on this in Inspiration vs Motivation! Which side of the scale do we sit?

So the whole idea is that we search our hours, days, weeks for the moments when we feel strong, energised or blissful and be in those firstly and secondly move our life towards living them more. I have no idea how this all hangs together practically but I can buy that in the little things that we do consistently, makes the bigger difference in our lives. So I am pretty open to giving this a try and seeing the result.

When I look back this week, I can see moments as being:
  • My sessions with my trainer. I love how I get to push my body and see it get stronger by the days. I also love the interaction I have with my trainer. It is honest, sincere and enlightening. Great for me to look past a physically beautiful man and engage the person under all that sex appeal, muscles and sex fantasy baggage that I used to put on him! I am seeing the person and that is beautiful.

  • Bringing people on the same page. Everyday at work is an opportunity to do this and I love it when I my day is filled with these opportunities and moments. I get to join the dots, paint the picture and make it accessible. Awesome!

  • Showering at the local gym! Believe it or not it gives me a sense of freedom and that it is ok to be seen for me! In those moments I give over my trust that those that matter see my beauty.

I see that when I look at life from all the strong moments I have had, I am more grateful and have a higher hit rate of feeling blessed. All we looking for are the moments of feeling bliss, why not prioritise the strong ones and move towards having more of those. I am convinced when you raise your head after doing this for a while, there you will find passion, purpose and the answers to action needed to be happy. Screams the seeds to growing something special indeed!

So give it a shot! Prioritise and live your strong moments! I started with just the next hour and that grew to the next half day to the next day and so on . . . . . . . . It gets a delightful life of its own!

Live strong!


Friday, January 8, 2010

The Power of LOVE . . . Keeping it accessible!

My holiday breaks are probably the best times of my life. The whole concept of me being with me and being with those I love in a full way is what makes it so special to me. I became aware of this in my first week back at work! I could feel the person I was the week before slipping from a place of parking all the good, the connection with LOVE / Core Soul and openness to the great in life towards a person obsessed with tasks, deadlines, creative ways to turn something around and seeing to other's needs.

I found myself constantly asking how do I keep the Power of LOVE accessible to me like it was before I got back to work?

The closer I got to the first day back at work, the more I felt that pit of uneasiness grow in my tummy. I figured it was the fact that it was the kind of work, the sh1tty working environment, the horrible people and the immense defense mechanisms I needed to survive the ordeal. But when I really unpacked the truth, it is more that I was uneasy about losing the person I am! That person that knows gratitude, counting his blessings, treating all people from a place of power and not victim hood / an insecure place! That was more the bottom line when I think about it.

I was tired of being a victim of people's opinions, conclusions on me or reactions or a sh1tty situation!

That is truly not empowering as I see the faces of those people flash past my eyes! When I worked through all the noise, that is what it came down to. I do not enjoy the version of me that operates when I am around those people that seem to have power over me. People that bring out the shadow in me. People that hook me into my insecure place. The people that bring out the BITCH in me! That BITCH that gets it all done but at the cost of taking no prisoners and crushing perceived opponents!

What I have been reminded of this week past is the power of staying plugged in and connected! Staying connected and allowing yourself to remember who you really are goes a long way to keeping your truth accessible! The next question would be, where is it manifested and visible in your immediate surroundings? That being your house, your car, you work desk, the close relationships etc etc

I have seen in my life how I have over complicated my truth with noise. Too many vision boards, affirmations floating around, too much seeking of wisdom, too much theoretical concepts that I was playing with, unpacking and putting back together. It was getting overwhelming and noisy!

I decided to simplify.
I am down to 3 key affirmations on my mirror that support two themes where the highest vibration resonates with my soul at this point in my life. And that has been the bottom line. Working with what is available to me now. I am in the process of wiping my vision board clean and taking the intention of putting on there what resonates and letting it grow from there not merely filling it so a complete picture exists that I can baseline and work with!

I realised the power of consistency!
In there I have found that being grateful, engaging in some exercises that help my mind to calm down or operate and get different perspectives, make it my duty to stay aware and release when I need to, finding ways to remember my truth when reality causes me to forget in those moments when all those powerful decisions get made inside!

I do believe that we are NEVER a victim of another person's agenda or view of the world or even a circumstance. The power they / it has over us is all down to what we have allowed. The beauty is that we can change it around simply by remembering our truth, believing our truth and keeping its song strong.

This week I have kept my truth strong with the following reminders :

  • See the truth beyond the person / situation - This exactly what my Leadership Law #1 pointed to. I had a run in with one of my module managers. He was so full of it when I wanted to understand why his area was not progressing forward as it should have been. We had a heated disagreement at first. I knew I handled that as a BITCH! So I set up a follow up meeting. All I asked the Universe (2 minutes before that session) was for help. I remember throughout the day whenever thoughts came up of him and the situation, I kept saying I surrender all , I surrender all! The meeting ended up going very well. I got the truth beyond his behaviour, beyond the area's progress and actually now have the way forward for that! But more importantly, I felt empowered and supported during and after that follow up meeting!

  • Surrender it all - This is fairly new to me especially in the professional setting. I am testing this theory currently, but it seems to be coming together nicely. I am beginning to see how all is connected and the Universal Intelligence is far beyond my understanding. All I need do is trust it rather than find a way to see the loop holes in it! With this, I have managed to gather support from my leadership, peers and team on how to move some challenges forward. I have been able to shine my light and have it appreciated by people that are around me. I find that solutions and clues are unfolding in a way that are clearer to me than before.

  • Remembering that I am a Child of GOD which makes me DIVINE in all aspects - This is a big thing to believe. That as a child of God, you have divinity at your fingertips, you have guidance, you have support, protection and the next step to bliss! I have discovered Luther Vandross's Power of Love song. Merely listening to that song reminds me of that. It is now the most played song on my iPOD. I am dancing and singing my way to BLISS ;-)

Life will happen. There will be events, situations and people that are there by no coincidence! Your decision is to step closer to your core or step further away. Find ways to remember your truth and who you are! When those moments and situations happen, you are in the positon to deal with it utilising all the best that is within you! That could only mean good news for this world!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

How do we LOVE ourselves?

The "metaphysical" wave has made an impression on many people over the past couple of years. It has become rather accessible via the media. Concepts like the law of attraction, connecting to the other side and channelling have come to be understood by many more "everyday" folk than before. Combine that with all the self help that is out there and we have a ocean of information.

What I find interesting and especially with myself is that certain concepts or part of the story sticks! I love it how it comes in handy later on when you in an experience and that piece of information that stuck is exactly what you need to move forward. I am very grateful to my soul for that ability we as humans have.

A new theme has been swimming around in my head of late. It is quite apparent for us single folk but something tells me that it can also exist even if you have someone as a life partner. It is the whole concept of feeling loved, that you ok, that you enough, that you good enough for the best life has to offer! We all have that desire to feel loved for all that we are. The crap and the great of who we are all in one. All these concepts out there on the getting the life you want, turning your life around for the positive or making positive changes package the bottom line differently but it is all the same in terms of what the core of it is . . . . . . . . . .

You have to LOVE you first and foremost! (No exception!!!!!! Only you!!!!!)

Cultivate and maintain a spirit of Gratitude and reveling in your Blessings!

What I find is that it really is rooted in your daily life where you demonstrate the simple concept of either making the above statements True or Not True! For me, what makes up a typical day for you or where you invest your time, intentions and feelings either strengthens or weakens the above. I feel that one can simply start by asking how you want to be loved? Then one asks how can I love myself the I way I want to be loved.

Inspired by the train of thought, I looked at some of the ways that I love myself. Below are some of the key practices I do:

  • I have my moments of gratitude. I am not an everyday count your blessings guy although I try to be one. In this process I can truly take note of what it means to be happy just as I am and how special my life really is. Sometimes I journal it, Blog it or take a moment to just be in that space where I acknowledge and say thank you. Oprah shared in an interview that she tries to write down at least 5 things to be grateful for at the end of her day everyday. I am thinking that is a plan for me . . . .

  • I give my body a challenge to work through any emotional or mental pain that I carry! I learnt this from my spiritual coach and dear friend (Angela). Finding a way to feel that pain and embody it so that it can be expressed. Sometimes it finds its way through violent dancing, aggressive physical activity in the gym (treadmill, stepper etc). Screaming at the top of my voice! These are all ways for me to express my negative emotions. I have found how it allows me to create a space for the positive emotions to flow in . . . . .

  • I have my moments of silence/allowing. I recently read a book by Jerry and Ester Hicks (Ask and It is Given). There was a beautiful chapter on meditation and what it represents. It is a state of allowing. Putting down control, trying to fix, be a role or survive. It was saying loud and clear to the Universe that you allowing it to take control and do the job it does effortlessly. That you allowing it to work on your desires. I found that beautiful and it resonated deeply with me. So I have my moments when I have my long hot baths, drive in traffic for hours to work, do my endurance workouts, listen to my music. All I do is focus on the moment and my breathing. BIG Smile . . . . . .

  • My iPod and I are never separated. I am very particular about my playlists that are loaded on my iPod at any point in time. The songs must resonate with where I am. They range from uplifting, to visualisation to angry music (to assist with release work). Sometimes, it is private performance where I am the star performer that dances and performs the song, to using the essence of the song to work through the embodying of my emotions in physical activity or simply in my allowing work. I find this puts me in a very calm and open mindset and I do my best creative work from this space . . . . . . .
  • Other practices involve, time with my friends. I love just "being" with them. The levels of comfort and sharing is truly awesome. I know love from the time we spend together. Then there is Enjoying deep meaningful conversations, meeting someone new and learning a new perspective, monthly facials, cooking a tasty meal, long hot baths, wearing great smelling perfumes, looking into my eyes in the mirror and acknowledging all the beauty that lies within, choosing not to judge people that I do not understand as that has a direct correlation on how I judge myself which lies a foundation for self hatred, playing with kids under 5 years - they are a delight in how they see the world and themselves - there is wisdom for me to use on how I see myself and the world sometimes, attending freestyle dance class and dancing like no-one is watching (hehehehe), etc etc etc

Again, I will say this over and over. It is not in the deed or how lavish and great it is but more the magnitude of what goes on in your mind and heart of hearts when you doing what you need to do. That is what makes the essence of your life and where it is today. Another bottom line from the ocean of self help and metaphysical world. Once being loved comes from you to you, the world is at your feet . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I can safely say that I have come to a space in my life where I feel blessed generally most of the time, love where my career is going and all the gifts financially, personally and experiences I have been through, adore the people that spend time with me because of who they are, understand that no-one has power over me unless I allow them to and that I can look forward to what is out there.

So, how is loving yourself going?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Turn up your song of freedom! Warm it up with LOVE!

Happy 2010 to all of you! I trust that all that is love makes its way into your lives.

I have been connecting with a multitude of people over the past few weeks and I kept finding myself going back to an episode of Oprah that I watched just before I embarked on my holiday. I don't exactly remember the exact phrase but the theme was that Life/Universe/Inner Wisdom/Divinity will do what it needs to in order for you to take NOTE! It will start gently with a whisper to get your attention / awareness to an aspect for you to take note of and use in your life.

We choose to listen and take inspired action or we choose to ignore it and move on. The wonder for me is that it goes full circle everytime! Round 1 starts with a whisper! We ignore it, Round 2 gets progressively louder! We ignore that, Round 3 gets even louder and so it continues until we cannot ignore it anymore!

It speaks volumes about the challenges we face in our lives where at the end of it all, we have found truth, insight or that puzzle piece that makes the picture clear and instantaneously lights up a perspective that changes the way we see the world. All part of the concept that we are guided and guarded by our Souls / Divinity! All we really asked to do is be aware, take note and take action when required.

2009 has been instrumental in showing me how to start mapping or understanding where in my life I am receiving gentle whispers and where I have deafening screams for me to take note of. What I have also seen is that allowing your joy / bliss is not related to the grandness of the gesture that is visible to the world. The grandness of allowing is that decision that takes place deep within you that enables you to allow love, greatness, bliss, the reality of your dreams etc etc etc . . .

It is meant to be pretty easy to see where life is asking that you take note! If you apply some awareness and just a peek at what is going wrong, or frustrates you, or just brings you down . . . . . . There it is!

You will feel that uncomfortable pain, that resistance and that is your clue where the answer lies when you decide to go into that uncomfortable place! This is where you can start asking yourself where are you avoiding allowing that which will make you happy? What needs to be released or let go in order for you to make those powerful, empowering, energising decisions deep within you? Simply holding these questions in your awareness is enough to start the process of getting what you need to move forward. The trick is to just go with it . . . . . . . .

I recall at the end of 2008 holding a couple of themes in my heart. One just has to look at my bliss list! I was really after finding what made me happy that was outside the professional me. I wanted to wholistcally look at me and what made me happy. That intention brought me meeting my spiritual coach in 2009 (an amazing women who has really challenged me and expanded my view of life for which I am extremely grateful), my spiritual group in 2009, discovering truth about me, my body and the access I have to Divinity! I believe that if happened to me simply by holding onto an intention and not doing much more but simply allowing myself to desire that, that the experiences rolled in during 2009.

I am now of the belief that even the smallest gestures in your life can have significant impacts on your life because they potentially can be linked to the grandest of decisions within your heart of hearts! And that is where it counts. As my manager tells me all the time - "Start off small and then take over the world" I love that sentiment. It speaks to finding that song within you and then turning up the volume as you move along! A song to be enjoyed by you, by others in your space and one that harmonises perfectly with the world.
For me and my life, it means starting with :
  • Simple acts of gratitude

  • Practicing the simple art of allowing by focusing on my breathing for 15 minutes a day. Within this process, I believe the insight or inspiration I need will come to me

  • Strengthening my allowing more by plugging into my iPOD, putting on a song and dancing like no-one is watching because I can

  • Opening up myself to imagine and dream without limitation (I have discovered a cool game for this. Will write some more about it if I find it working for me after my discovery phase)

  • Creating my reality in my current space. I have made some simple changes to my living area that have done wonders for my energy levels within my apartment. Everytime I sit in my living area, I feel that there is a space to enjoy wonder and just be. Small gesture but creates some powerful decisions within me. I am now taking this concept to be real in other parts of my apartment.

So to all of you . . . . . . . . . Happy 2010! I encourage you to find that song in your heart of hearts. Warm it up with some love and start finding a way to crank up the volume . . . . . . . . . . . With this life, I know that it is all connected! You do your little bit, a ripple effect is set into motion and what comes back will amaze even you . . . . . . . Go ahead, CRANK UP THAT SONG OF YOURS . . . . xoxo

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