The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Course In Weight Loss : Lesson 3 : Part 1

My apologies for this late late late post.  My past 2 weeks have simply been crazy and did not get a chance to complete this to post.  But trust you have had an awesome weekend so far!

This was a very soothing and comforting chapter.  It speaks of your relationship with a Higher Power and how you work with trusting and commanding the power from this Source.  It really speaks to what you put your faith in.  Is it fear, is it stuff that hurts you, is it hopelessness or is it in love and that there is something bigger that can take care of the stuff that holds you down and away from happiness.

What I found very fascinating was the concept that we learn to trust something bigger based on our relationships with our parents.  As we learn to trust in them to take care of us so we learn that there is something bigger, wiser and stronger than us that we can trust to help us on our way.  Parents are human and victims of victims and so our relationship with something bigger is tampered with and for some it is about finding their journey back to trusting in something bigger than themselves.

I can see in my life where I learnt to start trusting in me and my independence and hence my issues with having a God, a Higher Power or something grander and greater to believe in.  It simply made me a little hostile!  Hostile because nothing was done on my terms and my way and why must I do it your way in any case?  But all apart of learning to heal your relationship with that higher, wiser and all knowing power.

This lesson goes on to encourage one to build an altar of love.  A place where you can come and be and surrender to love and know that love rules versus anything else.  It is meant to be a place where you lay down and cherish all that is good and sacred to you.  I have called this part 1 because I am still building an altar that works for me in my home.

So far, I find my altar to be in my bathroom.  Not sure why but I am pulled to being in the bathroom where every morning for about 10 minutes, I have a cup of coffee and revel in the love that is in my life and that rules my life.  My vision board is also in my bathroom as well and I am able to connect with life.  I can also play a list of awesome songs that help me connect to that feeling place of peace and love.

So for this lesson, key themes included:

  • Work on healing your relationship with something higher and wiser.  Start building and working with your ability to trust in this Higher Power
  • Trusting and surrendering to this power is not a sign of weakness on your side.  It is asking for help and support to command the awesome power that surrounds you to allow you to live your best and happiest life
  • Build an altar/a space that allows you to revel in the truth that love exists and rules over any issue or problem you think is out there.  Every start of your day spend some time in this space where you honor that life is ruled by love and blessings above all else
Go Strong my dears and please let me now how this works out for you.  I can safely say that it has allowed my life to take on a whole new level of energy and blessings.  I am just seeing how wonderful things are falling into place that allow me to just live my best life.  All exciting.  I am happy to share some examples via email (  if you would like.  Mwah!


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