The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Disease of the Mediocre!

Have you ever heard that story that many parents tell their kids just round about when teenage mania hits? You are the company you keep! How many of us believe that who we surround ourselves with means that is who we are? That our environment has a huge influence on who we get to be? That the influence of our outer world moves inward and can change who we are to something that is just not considered good? So take a look at what surrounds you today and by your judgment of the world, what does it tell you about how you rate your worthiness?

What does the car you drive, the house you live in, the neighborhood you from, the clothing brands you wear, your world travel history, your position on the corporate ladder and the company brand, your salary bracket, your in shapeness versus your friends, work peers, family members  or community do for your worthy rating?!?!? I guess comparison is natural for most of us. You cannot help but look at someone else’s life and make your conclusions from your perspective and then rank it up against what you are and have. In some cases you come out as ahead and that is all great for the ego. There are cases where you fall behind and then your self-loathing has a feeding frenzy!

Our definition of Mediocre to me is simply what does not make us feel special and worthy! It is the association to whatever! A car, a status, a title or social standing that keeps us safe in our self esteem. The lack of that aspect next to our name or our concept of ourselves means we are worthless. And so we treat it like any disease. Avoidance and OTT precautions!!!!! People who have Mediocre need to be steered clear of and not given the time of day as that will rub off on us and God forbid we get infected with their mediocre!

But there are definitely steps for a cure as after all, the only way you really get over some diseases is to get infected and trust that your body produces the antibodies to fight it off and get immune to it when that strain comes around again. So for me, the antibodies for the Mediocre include:

That we are all connected to the Divine! That is huge just simply remembering it and respecting it! We all have Divinity within us. It is merely varying degrees of blockage in people to the innate greatness that exists and is gifted to all of us. So judging another is merely not understanding their blockage that if released would get them closer to their best selves! So are you really part of helping others release their blockage or shadows on path to their greatness or not helping by piling more blockage on them to block their inner-light?

Your Oxygen mask must go on first before helping another with theirs! The best you can do for the world is to stay strong in your truth and connected to your greatness, your inner-voice and truth! From that position of wholeness you can relate to the world from a place of pure and good intention. And we know that a pure intention that any action rides the wave on results in the most blessed experiences for all parties concerned!

In any moment there is the Power of choice! Choice means you do not have to stay where you are. You will be presented with experiences and there will be alignment or contrast. But no matter what happens next, you have choice to stay where you are, or move onto something better. It all is on you and no one can force you unless you allow it. It falls all in the position you take on the experience or situation and that is all down to your choice of what you will believe to be true for you. And with that you can chose to become the Mediocre or chose different for yourself to be!
So with that, I wish us all greatness as we focus on the antibodies to lovingly deal the Mediocre in our lives and in so help more than just ourselves to remove blockage to accessing the great in us all!

Kiss Kiss


1 comment:

  1. Great post.

    It is up to all of us to find our way home, to remember that, yes, we are all divine...
    But, as I have found the road is long, and most often lonely, as with turning away from that that feels wrong to you as you progress upon your own path, there are few who understand or relate to you any longer.....


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