The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Month In Review : I AM WORTHY!

Wow!  How quickly a month goes by.  January 2012 has come to an end and  I sincerely hope that I have been able to plant some seeds to help you along your journey of living your best, responding as your best and inviting that higher wiser self to express itself through your human experience.

For me, I now believe and can buy that worthiness is a about letting the energy reach you and flow through you.  When you allow that love, gratitude and amazingness of harmony with the greatness of life,  that is when you realise the power of you, the amazingness of you and how special you are to have such a gift to create beauty, love and bliss.  Worthiness and feeling worthy is down to embracing that and living that beauty!

And it starts with little things, little decisions, little choices and sometimes just relaxing into the goodness.  This month I have been able to up my worthiness using how I feel about any subject in my life.  I have become a huge fan of the emotional scale introduced by the teachings of Abraham from Jerry and Ester Hicks.  Using this scale I understand where my feeling on a subject is sitting.  The lower I am, the more resistant I am to allowing my worthiness to be as best as it can be.  It has been a profound experience to deliberately make a choice to up  my vibration levels on any subject in my life that speak to me.

I have seen the beauty of new doors opening in romance.  I have seen the peace that comes from relaxing into the changes at work that allow me to be more effective, empowered and happier.  I am beginning to appreciate that my body is a reflection of my internal mental and emotional war and when that is at peace my body responds and transforms to its true beautiful natural self.  I wake up with a smile more often than I used to.  I am easing into chaos and uncertainty with a growing curiosity that deepens my understanding of me.  I see how surrendering to a higher power for support makes me more powerful than I could ever be just going it alone.  And in certain areas, I can feel that moving through them is getting easier.  It is truly exciting!

Today you make the little choices to let the goodness in.  It comes down to surrendering and allowing the goodness to flow to you.  Bliss!  That makes you worthy!

Monday, January 30, 2012

You're A Survivor

Apologies for late posts.  Having some serious network issues in my neighbourhood!  Sigh!

I look ahead at my week, my month and I think how the hell will I get through it all.  It does get a little overwhelming at all that needs to get done.  But I have come to realise the following:

As long as I can LEARN and can CHOOSE, I will survive anything!

No matter where you are and what you are going through, you have the above.  And as long as you remember that, you are in a space to change your position, your perspective and your ability to claim success!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Confessions Of A Call Girl!

How crazy has my life been?  Supercrazy!  I am waiting for my feet to touch ground so I can breathe again.  I have this recording from Pema Chodron and she says when you open and curious, a series of challenges will come your way! Dammit!

But there is some truth in that though.  When you open up to other people especially those that irritate you and drive you crazy, you are in a position to learn so much more about you.

If any of you have watched this series "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" , it does unfold an interesting story about Belle.  The sexy free spirited call girl.  Although a lady that chooses to get paid quite a bit of money for sex, I saw an interesting angle to how she approached dealing with various men.

Her aim was to understand men, unpack them for who they were and enjoy them in that moment.  She took them as they were and experienced the best of them and moved along.  So that is something you can take as such a key insight.  Those frogs we kiss along the way before we get to our prince.  Each frog offers something beautiful and so if we stay open and learn what we need to, we get closer to knowing who we are and get to our best to enjoy that with our prince.

So for those in the dating game, go ahead and experience the best of those men.  If it does not blossom further, take the best away from the experience.  For those that are dealing with people that irritate you, anger you, they come with perfect teaching when you curious and open.

Stay Curious!  Mwah!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Last Friday Night

On this quest for getting in touch with your worthy factor.  There will be some dark places you will need to access to get in touch with it and meet it and release it.  This is certainly what I have been going through my journey.  Things can become heavy and one has to enjoy the lightness that comes from releasing all that stuff that does not serve you.

But there are the times when you need to kick back and just have fun.  Let this song remind you that there are times to just kick and have fun.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Deep Within You Are Some Fascinating Tales of Insight

I have always believed that we have the answer deep inside us.  It is how we access it that is the work.  When we get still, meditate, connect with the higher self, we have a very good chance of connecting with that deeper truth.  Some of us consult mediums, oracle cards etc.  But all this is a form of us connecting with the deeper truth and wisdom we know is there.

I have discovered this process which I feel is a great way for you to connect with the stories that come from deep within you.  Have fun with this and let your story be told.  It is not as easy the first time but it does go the same way as interpreting a dream.

I tried this out for the first time in the week and I have got a clue to take further.  It is not clear in what I need to do but the story is quite clear on the direction/theme.  I am entering a new phase and area in my life and the adventure and opportunities are around me and very exciting.  I have the choice to now let go of some old thinking and attitudes that cannot serve me in my new adventures.  I can go deeper into who I am and my wisdom but now need to invite the support and be aware of support around me all the time.  It is time to express my higher self more clearly.

So now it is time to unpack that into specifics as I live my life.

Hope your stories unfold as you use this process below.  Mwah!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Stories / Thoughts That Nurture You

Darlins, so sorry that I have been out of commission for the past couple of days.  More shifts inside me and some big shifts in life.  The waves are high and simply trying to ride them.  So this week is still about looking at what nurtures and sustains you.  It is so interesting when you ask yourself that question everytime you want to comsume experiences, food, sex, men, work, highs and lows.

Does this nurture me?  Will it sustain me?  Will this serve my highest good?

I believe the biggest source of nurture for us is the thoughts and stories that we tell ourselves.  They support how we experience the world, how we respond to situations and how we evolve closer to our bliss.  You are in control of your thoughts and your stories which means you have the POWER.

I have discovered a wonderful process by Byron Katie.  Hopefully this inspires you to look at your thoughts and stories and nurture yourself with goodness!

We all have a fear of disapproval!

The fear of the future!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bleeding In Love to Find Love

This week my attention has been drawn to the concept of what it means to truly nurture yourself.  To nurture means to feed yourself on various levels with stuff that sustains you and that gives you goodness that you can thrive on.  It really speaks to what you consume and how it gets digested and assimilated in your life.

So anything from the music you listen to, to the TV you watch, to the words you buy into or stories you buy into about you, to where you invest your time and energy all speak to what you consume to nurture yourself.  I realising that when you consume something that is good for you, it is the gift that keeps on giving and gets you sustained, supported and takes you to higher levels.

This weeks song is more to make you understand where you bleed yourself dry under the banner of "love"  Although a sexy song and sung by someone I love, it just makes one aware that there are things in life that cut you open and bleed you dry.  Maybe it is time to look at what you consume and if it really nurtures you!  Lets stew on that this week and make some empowered choices to nurture ourselves in supportive ways.  Mwah

When you make your choice and move to be with you and nurture yourself.  You Can Find Love

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wiseman Nos 3 Re-Visited : 5 Things

The one area that always requires you to stay open and be aware is where we have romantic relationships.  The potential to lose yourself, your inner voice and your boundaries is there.  For those that read my earlier posts, not sure if you remember the profile of Wiseman Nos 3.  Well, for some reason the Universe has reminded me that this type of man still exists in my space.  So Wiseman Nos 3 has now taken on a refined definition for me.  He is that kind of man that you could completely lose yourself to.  And he won't stop you from losing yourself to him.  5 Things to note :

  1. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything!  This is about knowing who you are and being comfortable in your truth.  Because of this you can stand in who you are and not change that to make someone happy
  2. Boundaries!  For me I have not fully figured out boundaries in terms of whether I agree or don't agree with the word.  What I do know is that you need to understand what you are really about versus identifying with a form you think is you.  It is having an effective filter that filters the feedback you get from the world in terms of its alignment to your truth deep inside and whether you will make it your ongoing story to buy into.  It is having the courage to communicate your truth lovingly!  Sometimes this can all go out the window with wiseman nos 3 around
  3. No matter what there is hope!  You can find your way back to you.  As long as you stay aware, open and curious!  Even if you go off path, you will get back to you if you have that openness
  4. It always stays an opportunity to know yourself better and understand why you need him to validate something within you that you ultimately need to be ok with inside
  5. He will definitely break your heart!  Not because he is a bad guy or horrible person.  But because you are not strong enough to be you and stand in your truth.  So you venture to be something else than yourself and he leaves you!  Because no matter what, it is hard work being something you are not and at some point, your resentment does creep in!
So in this quest of "I AM WORTHY" for this month.  Look at where you are asking your partner or a potential man to validate something deep inside you  that you need to get ok with by yourself first.  Take your power back of standing in your truth.  Mwah!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Boundaries!  What does it mean to have healthy boundaries.  And we seem to lose these so easily when it comes to our parents, siblings, kids, our heroes and those amazing men in our lives that some of us have married or some of us are trying to marry.  Without truly knowing who we are, we have the risk of looking outside ourselves and in so and we can lose who we are.

I love the message of this song.  It inspires us to let ourselves be and have the courage to stand in our truth.  Maybe look at where you have "lost" yourself to something where you cannot tell what is your truth.  Maybe it is time to spread those wings and SOAR in your truth.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Inspiration : Innovation : It's In The Little Things

Today's inspiration is a very simple yet powerful one.  I am busy reading through one of Robin Sharma's books called "The Leader Who Had No Title".  It is turning out to be a fascinating read.  What am I loving so far about the book is that I am able to apply the ideas immediately without having to wait for someone else's permission or a certain event to occur.  I can decide and so it will be.

The concept to soak in is this :
You can start today by understanding what can be done better, where you can breathe creativity in and where you can make the small changes to make a situation, an activity or yourself better!  That is innovation!

If you could just focus on making it a little better the next day than the day before, over time you will see an amazing transformation.  You can apply this to any subject in your life. Whether it be personal or professional.  Look at what makes this day better than yesterday and simply start doing it.  It does not mean grand gestures.  It is the gradual little pieces that you could improve on.

Go Strong!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

CrazeeBee Love : Adding Some Magic To Life

So this has been a week of note.  Been on a high, been on a low but also have made the connection of how deep in Ego I have been.  Shoo!  But with life there also needs to be focus on the stuff that makes us happy and can lift us up.  So for this week, I want to inspire some LOVE for the gifts that keeps on giving:

  • Stillness - If you can find 10 to 15 minutes in your day just to be quiet and focus on your breathe, you will be amazed at what all comes to be
  • Kundalini Yoga - I discovered a Kundalini Yoga DVD I acquired a few years ago.  I honestly think it is awesome to try out and it is doing wonders for releasing energy and making it flow through me.  I do feel that it needs to be private exercise  as it allows you to focus on your inner truth during the process
  • Sweat It Out! - I have found that a good aggressive activity gets so much out and helps me deal with emotions I need to feel and get out the way.  I am loving the elliptical trainer!  You can really get into working those icky emotions out!
  • Reading - I have missed how reading grows the mind and imagination.  If you can spend just 30 minutes a day getting your mind engaged in a book or a chapter, it does expand your mind.  I am also finding that it you feel like you accomplish something as you have gone on a journey but you have gained something instead of the usual TV hour to escape
  • Cooking Channels - I am loving cooking channels lately.  BBC Lifestyle has my vote currently.  I am loving the ideas that you can get.  I am building a recipe book of basics based on what looks awesome from the chefs and then adding my touch.  All exciting!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Story Of Your Ego!

Darlins!  I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post and that it gave you some inspiration to start operating and intending from your core.  Today's one is a short and sweet one.  I had the most interesting discussion with a dear friend of mine yesterday.  I had been back at work for one day and already at the end of the day, I was on the telephone, going on about how unhappy, frustrated and tired I was of all the DRAMA!  And when my friend told me the 180 degree turn in experiencing me during holiday versus post holiday, got me thinking!

The EGO can be like a set of lenses / sexy clothing that we wear.  When we realise that what we wearing is not who we are, how brave can we be to take it off?  I realised how deep I was in my EGO when it came to my career and making my mark in corporate.  I was completely idetifying with the form of high flying executive! It is a sexy piece of clothing that I have forgotten is not me!

So in my frustration, I read an interesting article by Echart Tolle.  It speaks about breaking that barrier.  And that is my wish for you all today.  Find the space between what you think you are and what you really are.  Within everything there is a crack where light can enter!  So today, take the first step of being wiling to open just a little space between what you think you are and what you really are.

Be curious especially when you are feeling irritated, anger, frustrated, hopeless etc and start looking at what your mind is saying.  And then realise that it is a story playing to you and somehwere, there is an observer letting the story unfold as it is.  In that space between, is the GRACE to  have a new story unfold that can serve you.

Go Strong!  Today I am merely opening a space for something better.  Mwah!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Setting Intentions For 2012 - 5 Things

Darlins!  So hopefully yesterday gave you the opportunity to get into that feeling place of feeling warm, fuzzy and touched to the soul.  Amazing how music can take you to that place in your soul.  One of the reasons I love music.  Anyhoo, back to intention setting.

Over the years, I have learnt that goals are way to specific for me.  Anything that requires me to motivate myself makes me think twice because it could mean that it is not coming from my core.  Think of situations where you have been inspired!  No one takes away that the work is less but your state of mind is in such a different space.  Inspiration causes you to raise above challenge, obstacle, access creativity and allows you to move forward to an amazing result.  It is like something magic happens when you ride an inspiration wave.  And that is the space I believe you should be in when you list your themes or intentions.  That space is the space to create from.  I will update my Inspired Livin tab by the end of the week with my themes.

Some things that can help you  get into that space of inspiration for intention setting are listed below.  I have called on my all time heroine OPRAH, to inspire us.  I browsed through her LifeClass series and LOVED IT!  Some of these truths she has shared have touched me, so I am sure it can touch you as well.  I have also added some other CrazeeBee Ideas :) Happy intention setting :

  1. Deepen Your Understanding Of Yourself - This is where staying curious will help you.  You are a wonderful story / puzzle that you can unfold.  If you stay curious, there is constant opportunity for you to understand yourself deeper.  One huge exercise that can help you is to start understanding your value system!  Follow this link to Dr Demartini's view on one's value system.  Very fascinating theory!
  2. Getting Your Ego Out The Way - "You can't begin to love yourself unless you know you are separate from your EGO"  I love that and thank you Oprah for sharing.  Look at the useful definition of what an EGO is.  Identifying with form!  Somethings external to who you really are.  Start seeing how you can get to the middle of you, your core!  Let the fun begin when you operate and make your intentions from that space. Yum!
  3. What You Believe (The Stories You Carry) Make Your Reality - I buy this completely!  You have the beliefs you know about and the beliefs you don't know about.  Some call that shadow.  Beginning to tap into them is important because it is the story you keep telling yourself that paints your experience and creates the reality you live in.  I love Oprah's take on faith.  It really gives perspective of how powerful we are as humans.
  4. You Are Responsible For You And No-one Else - I struggle with this personally.  To know that it is all on me does get overwhelming.  Can life not just be easy?  But it is true.  You and you alone are responsible for how to see the world, what you think, what you believe and how you respond.  You always have choice, which means you always have power which requires you to be responsible!  Oprah gives some tough love on the subject!
  5. Release The Old To Embrace The New - Release work has become a way of life for me.  You need to feel what needs feeling and work through it.  You need to deal with what is in front of you, let it go and then to move to the other side.  You need to let go of stories, unprocessed pain, denial, fear, anger etc if you want to open space for the great.  See a perspective from one of Oprah's AHA Moments
Hopefully this gives some ideas of setting your intentions from a place of power.  Exciting!

Monday, January 2, 2012

What Have You Done To Make You Feel Proud?

Things are already looking up.  A Monday off in South Africa.  Yay!  So this week is about getting into the zone of shaping our intention for 2012.  I am not a huge fan of goals that are numerous and so specific.  I am a fan of getting into that feeling place and being open to experience the variety that can bring you that feeling.  There is a rush, a vibration and that warm fuzzy explosion that happens when you doing certain stuff or being in a certain space.  This song can help access that space.

That feeling that this song can evoke is the place you need to set your intentions from.  So let's tune in, pump up the volume and enjoy what this song can bring about.  It is time to get on that frequency of making our wishes and goals from our core!  Get in that space this week.  Mwah!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012! I AM WORTHY!

Welcome 2012!  

Happy new year to all and hoping that 2012 brings so much in terms of understanding, adventure and blessings.  I love this time of year.  It gives me the opportunity to reflect on what the previous year meant and how the various puzzle pieces played out.  I can take a look at the picture and get to choices going forward.

Looking back at 2011, I can see how it has been one of distraction and losing the middle of me.  I realise that there will be times you will stumble across something awesome or great!  It could be the perfect man, the perfect job role or your true calling that what you get to do that feeds your soul daily.  There will come a time when those parts of you that you hide away from or neglect, get a space and take to the light.  And then they come alive and your life takes on a whole new level.  You cannot believe just how good it can get!

But there is the part where you need come back to the middle.  There is the part where you lose the essence of you and forget that core of you.  That core that knows to stay open, curious, aware and take and deal with what is in front of you for what it is.  That is the journey of life! To experience and move to the next experience and continue evolving with that.

Looking back at 2011, I understand how feeling worthy and deserving of the best in life manifests in all we do and have from family, relationships to professional success.  And our feeling of worthiness differs from subject to subject or the various areas in our lives.  Where we have lack in our lives, we can for sure be linked back to the story we carry about the subject.  It is time to shine a light to the stories and make a choice to continue buying into them or moving forward seeing it differently!

For January 2012, let's unfold and celebrate our worthiness.  Let's embark on a journey together to get into that feeling place of deserving the best on any subject we find in our lives.  You will see this blog slowly transforming in shape and appearance to adapt to seeing the world differently.

Let's use January to up our WORTHINESS factor and build a story that supports that.  Go Strong! Mwah!

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