There will come a time in a 30 something's life when it hits them. You realise like the others in your life that you have not settled down as yet. You are single, empowered and independent. That is is rather powerful foundation to live life the way you want without answering to anyone. You really have freedom of choice to do what the hell you really want.
This is the episode where the girls (Charlotte, Carrie and Miranda) are dating / doing 20-something guys. I guess for me, your 30's take on a new kind of view. You are not as carefree as when you are in your 20's but it does feel like you have way more wisdom, experience and money. And somehow because you have that, you are more in control of you and your independence and for the first time, you have an upper hand on a 20-something man still finding his way. For most who have capitalised on their career, your 30's is about having a sense of power. Like your 20's just with better lenses to see the world and more means at your disposal to get what you want. And this is a delicious experience when you in the company of 20 something men. As Miranda puts it: It is all about sex. Willing, eager to please you, boy scout sex!
For me it does not really matter the age of a man as long as there is FAIR EXCHANGE in the relationship with whoever you sharing your life, bed or yourself with! It is all about what you giving naturally and effortlessly being valued and loved by that man. And it is about that man giving you naturally and effortlessly what is of value and loved by yourself. If a younger man and his eagerness to please you and be in awe of you help you heal and get more in touch to what is great about you, what is wrong with that? If your wisdom and nurturing help him be a better man as a result, what is wrong with that. And if sex be the currency that brings that about, who are we to judge? Who says that it stays the currency in the longer term!

As long as you both are benefitting, what is the big deal? And let's not make our labels of sex be the defining foundation that young men are just there for sex and nothing else. I believe it also has to do with energy and having a platform to heal and deal with your level of understanding of life and you at whatever stage you find yourself in. We all know how it can get when feelings and hormones get in the way and we lose the clarity of ourselves when dealing with a man. Maybe it also is ok to date someone younger to help keep your power while learning to balance that with loving a man and not letting it distract you from the truth of who you are. That you can be you and love someone at the same time.
So take the opportunity to believe that relationships with men can heal you and bring you closer to knowing and understanding yourself deeper and the stories you tell yourself about love, sex and you as part of a partnership.
Be open to heal as part of relationships!
and when 40 is just around the corner?
ReplyDelete@DaftScotsLass - That is when you invoke the "eternal age" policy. I will be eternally 27. hehehehehehe