The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Song Crush : What Distracts you from your Truth and living as your best?!?

I am not an Eminem die hard fan but I can sooooo appreciate the lyrics!

“Just gonna stand there and watch me burn! That’s alright because YOU like the way it hurts! Just gonna stand there and watch me cry! That’s alright cause YOU like the way you lie”

I am drawn to the concept of how we distract ourselves from being the best we can be!  Those words above is the best of you asking your distracted self WTF?!?!?!  I have replaced some words to make the point!  But a powerful phrase to pose to your distracted self!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Disease of the Mediocre!

Have you ever heard that story that many parents tell their kids just round about when teenage mania hits? You are the company you keep! How many of us believe that who we surround ourselves with means that is who we are? That our environment has a huge influence on who we get to be? That the influence of our outer world moves inward and can change who we are to something that is just not considered good? So take a look at what surrounds you today and by your judgment of the world, what does it tell you about how you rate your worthiness?

What does the car you drive, the house you live in, the neighborhood you from, the clothing brands you wear, your world travel history, your position on the corporate ladder and the company brand, your salary bracket, your in shapeness versus your friends, work peers, family members  or community do for your worthy rating?!?!? I guess comparison is natural for most of us. You cannot help but look at someone else’s life and make your conclusions from your perspective and then rank it up against what you are and have. In some cases you come out as ahead and that is all great for the ego. There are cases where you fall behind and then your self-loathing has a feeding frenzy!

Our definition of Mediocre to me is simply what does not make us feel special and worthy! It is the association to whatever! A car, a status, a title or social standing that keeps us safe in our self esteem. The lack of that aspect next to our name or our concept of ourselves means we are worthless. And so we treat it like any disease. Avoidance and OTT precautions!!!!! People who have Mediocre need to be steered clear of and not given the time of day as that will rub off on us and God forbid we get infected with their mediocre!

But there are definitely steps for a cure as after all, the only way you really get over some diseases is to get infected and trust that your body produces the antibodies to fight it off and get immune to it when that strain comes around again. So for me, the antibodies for the Mediocre include:

That we are all connected to the Divine! That is huge just simply remembering it and respecting it! We all have Divinity within us. It is merely varying degrees of blockage in people to the innate greatness that exists and is gifted to all of us. So judging another is merely not understanding their blockage that if released would get them closer to their best selves! So are you really part of helping others release their blockage or shadows on path to their greatness or not helping by piling more blockage on them to block their inner-light?

Your Oxygen mask must go on first before helping another with theirs! The best you can do for the world is to stay strong in your truth and connected to your greatness, your inner-voice and truth! From that position of wholeness you can relate to the world from a place of pure and good intention. And we know that a pure intention that any action rides the wave on results in the most blessed experiences for all parties concerned!

In any moment there is the Power of choice! Choice means you do not have to stay where you are. You will be presented with experiences and there will be alignment or contrast. But no matter what happens next, you have choice to stay where you are, or move onto something better. It all is on you and no one can force you unless you allow it. It falls all in the position you take on the experience or situation and that is all down to your choice of what you will believe to be true for you. And with that you can chose to become the Mediocre or chose different for yourself to be!
So with that, I wish us all greatness as we focus on the antibodies to lovingly deal the Mediocre in our lives and in so help more than just ourselves to remove blockage to accessing the great in us all!

Kiss Kiss


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Song Crush : The Disease of the Mediocre

Dealing with Mediocrity!  This song really can help with feeling the frustration, the disappointment and the why is it happening to  me!  It has a taunting energy.  The same that mediocrity can have on those people that are aware enough to rise above it.

As they say, feel and express the emotion and then it moves on!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

What is Responsibility really about for you?

To be responsible means to take ownership of something. Mentally and emotionally you commit that whatever the undertaking, it is all on you. Its success or failure is under your ownership and you are alone when faced with the outcome. It’s all on you. What an amazing quality to find in someone. That you can trust that they can take ownership and obsessively commit to its success! While this is an admirable quality in someone, ever thought how consuming/destructive this could be when applied to a situation that is not worthy of the purity of responsibility and the gifts it brings?

It cannot be so hard to imagine . . . . . . . . . .

There are the kids that take ownership for their parents’ issues. Enter the case of the impact divorce has on kids. There are the teenagers who won that their differences is deserving of ridicule and judgement, so they own hating themselves as them being different causes the conflict! You see in the workplace where you live off the reputation of your company, your team and the non performers get carried by those who won the success of the team. It is in relationships, where the success of the relationship is owned by one partner that becomes controlling, setting expectations for the couple to live up to and becomes quite a challenge to walk away from as the successful outcome is owned and has to be fixed. It is in the relationship with our parents. Some parents feel need to protect and live their kids’ lives well into their kids’ adult life. Some kids take on the role of parent and feel the need to direct the way their parents should be living . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So I have been asking myself what causes such a pure intention of ownership to be misused or twisted to allow for the above? Is an arrogance that we can do it all and we are all knowing? Is it delusion that we play such a pivotal role in someone’s life or the world as it is? I suspect that it has something to do with getting off the path of what we are! I am reminded of this prayer . . . .

“Lord, grant me the Strength to accept that the things I cannot change. The Courage to change the things I can. And the Wisdom to know the difference. . . . . . “

The prayer strongly suggests that to know the lines of Responsibility also means to allow for your sanity and peace of mind. I believe that Stephen Covey was the first person to introduce me to the concept of responsibility. I learnt this valuable lesson at 23 years old. The concept of the Circle of Control versus the Circle of Influence. The bottom line, if you worrying about what is in the Circle of Influence, you going to go insane as you cannot control that in anyway due to the fundamental principle of free will!

I am left thinking that it comes down to faith in the process! That for every choice there is a consequence. We can try and let the people we care about see the consequences for their choices as we see it. They have the right to agree or disagree with us. But at the end of the day, the choice is still up to them and they face the consequence. Also, let’s not forget how we have come to appreciate, to know wisdom from those lessons learnt. It came from the other side of the pendulum. And by choice we swung the other way to joy. Stepping into the Circle of Influence also potentially cannot help the person learn what they need to. Something rather teach a man how to fish versus fishing for him! (some wise parables from the Bible)

I realize that we can be grateful and visualize and try our best to manifest the great in our lives. It implies a faith and trust in the Universe / God lovingly doing the necessary to bring you what you need when you need it! How contradictory is it that you are able to place faith in God for your life and its bliss but not for another’s life? Taking responsibility for someone’s life and choices really does say “I do not trust in the process” so let me get in there and take control of getting them what is good for them! It seems like such a block to a person that does such great work on themselves but rescues the rest of the world by living its life for it!

So with that I look to going back to basics. What is under my control versus what is in my influence! That for a choice there is a consequence that applies to all of us who possess free will. That I invest love and energy into the wisdom to tell the difference between control versus influence. And then it is about having a little faith in people and faith in the process of life.

Go well and strong . . . . . . . .

Tit Bit : I am in my HAPPY place!

Lately I have been very much in a place of Happy Rushes and one of flowing Gratitude! I certainly was not going to be one that would dismiss what I was feeling and simply I am just going with it. There is much that is evident in my life that I am simply happy with and be grateful for! I give it a space to be as I recognise how amazingly blessed I am.

.......................... Wiseman Nos 3 and all the bad that came with him now has its place and I feel free of it like I could have never imagined. My need to get his validation has decreased so significantly that I can be the best me with him around even though he judges it, I am ok with being the real me! That is something I jump around joyfully about! I am me and that is ok!.......................

.......................... My new project truly one where I feel connected to something higher and special. I believe that I am in a place where I lead transformation not only of a business but people. I see  people that are now inspired to know their truths and are taking the steps to be that. And in some cases that is because they have dealt with me and want to get that "magic" I have replicated their lives. I am honored to be apart of that movement. My boss is the best boss in the world. As I am to my people in that loving, truthful manner, so is he to me. I am grateful for his belief, support and nurturing way with me. He and I are going to do some pretty special stuff in the industry which excites me in a big way .............................

................................ My Family is becoming a blessed one where we are having blessed experiences. As I drop my shackles, I feel it is allowing them to drop theirs and be free from what holds them back. My siblings and parents are seeing light at the end of some very dark tunnels. I am happy for them and understand how loving God can be when I see their life experiences. They needed what happened to them to allow them to make their decisions to move their lives forward. There is light for me in understanding how my need for taking responsibility for their lives had an arrogance within myself and disregard for the great that is God! I can feel a shift where that "black hole" feeling of being linked to my hometown, my culture and family is taking on a pride and beauty ...........................................

……………………... I am slowly shifting into a healthier relationship with food. The need for control and diet is decreasing and making space for a more organic intuitive way of getting in touch with good food and eating was is good for me. I am finding that as I am making peace with my body as it is and loving it, so do my eating habits adjust to serve me positively. My biggest lesson to date is the power of a regulated blood sugar levels and how is lays a foundation of less and less binge eating. It also lays a platform for you to listen to what you really want versus a binge crave caused by an imbalanced sugar level. Truly fascinating stuff! I am just happy that I am slowly but surely landing back in my body…………………..

So a huge THANKS to my Guardian Angels and God. I am being hooked up in a way that is going beyond my fondest dreams. So let it be! Amen!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Anatomy of Worthlessness!

Coal to Diamond
Specially dedicated to the teachings and wisdom of Louise L Hay and Angela Deutschmann.  Thank you!

I suspect that we all have had our fair share of feeling worthless! There are those moments in our lives where we cannot believe we are who we are! We cannot imagine how we could face a day and have the nerve to show our face to the world. When you look at your reflection you get sick, disgusted and cannot stand the sight! How could the world possibly not see it any different to what you can blatantly see?

I am amazed that no matter how far you progress in life, your pain still exists if not dealt with. As I get confirmation regularly at how limitless the universe is at creating opportunity for bliss, it is just as effective and limitless in the way it creates experiences to feel your pain if you hold onto it. And this cycle continues and continues as that is what you hold onto inside of you. I get it! I am always tempted to speak up when I hear people say “why me God, what did I do to deserve this?” I am dying to tell them that it is them hanging onto a pain!

So I added the theme of releasing worthlessness from my system to my mirror work. Just by simply affirming the following:

"I am willing to release worthlessness!"

has opened so many avenues, awareness and opportunity to step into dealing with my pain. I have come to understand how my culture, my parents, my family and my “then” interpretation of Christianity have played such a strong role in how I got hurt in the past. I am seeing how it all laid a foundation to make up the worthlessness I felt for just being me as I am!

With some help, I shone a light on my shadow and all the above became clear. I had some interesting conversations with my inner child to start observing how this all started piecing together. I could feel how it manifested in my body and had to live through the nausea and a physically weak body that just wanted to curl up and sleep till it was all over. I had to be brave to be in my vulnerability and be seen with all that self labeled ugliness I carried inside!

And then the magic of life happens as the beauty of Alchemy takes over! All that bad energy got transformed into something beautiful to my pleasant surprise . . . . . My Grandmother passes away. Being such a strong force within the family, it called for a huge gathering in her honor which put me in the middle of my culture, my family and Christianity. I cannot really explain the feeling of bliss I felt sitting there in my Gran’s memorial service. It was like I was experiencing everything for the first time as a being untouched by this world. There was such an innocence and purity in what I experienced.

The songs we sang from the old hymn books spoke of hope, trust in a higher force and surrender of desire to have it done for us! A far cry from be a good little boy and then God will decide reward you rather than punish you!

The prayer rituals finally spoke of remembering how great we are because we are divinely connected to such an awesome power, wisdom and intelligence and honoring that by simply remembering it as we go about life!

In my family, I saw what strength means in how they loved each other, their children and their heritage! I appreciated that no matter what, I was me and could be vulnerable and be sure that love was there to wrap around me. I did not feel the pull of a black hole but rather connection to something beautiful.

I understood the role my culture played in making we feel what I did when I was a teenager but I also realized the power of choice and that because I chose different, I got to experience different and that is it. Although I was raised in that culture and bought into it at some point in my life. When I found a deeper truth, I chose different and thus it is ok to come where I came from because where I go is determined by my choice.  I have proved that my choice track record has served my bliss and that is something special to celebrate and find comfort in!

So at this point I am Dangerously Happy and on a Happy Rush of note! Life can be the most fascinating thing ever when you start changing your position to situations, things, and experiences. I pray that you all have the opportunity to live your lives through new eyes as you step into and release your roles, your non serving beliefs, what the world expects and your pain!

Go Strong!

Love CB

Friday, August 6, 2010

Song Crush : Loving the Inner Child . . . .

Today was a brilliant day and all because I did the work and it payed off.  I finally bumped into Wiseman Nos 3 and I did not see it coming.  It was not all plain sailing but I could feel a difference.  That grip was not as strong.  That charge was not as strong and I felt that I was still being the  me most of the time with him around.

I believe that it was because my inner child was at peace and still felt loved by me.  Wiseman Nos 3 could no longer to get to my inner child as a result with his tactics.  So I offer this song below which helped me have a great loving chat with my inner child.

Forget not your inner child.  They need love and time.  If you ignore them for too long, just notice in your life where your tantrums are often and your response immature!  That is a sign of an inner child needing love.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wiseman Nos 1 plus Wiseman Nos 8 equals someone I would like to get to know!

So it looks like my Wiseman profiles are proving to do some maths in my life. This is what I am loving about the Wiseman Chronicles.  It is giving me a platform to understand what I am attracted to and what I resist.  All powerful inputs to help me know myself better as well as get clear on that perfect partner I so deeply desire.

So I was out at a club the other night. And I was in the zone dancing the night away. I will admit to the South African folk. Risque Friday Night DJ was playing some ROCKING KICK ASS GET YOUR GROOVE ON kind of music. He was spinning up a master mix of banging music!  I was on a high and a dance animal! Utterly primal and not ashamed to shake my booty! ;)

In my midst of dancing away, I saw him. And it was weird cause what drew me in was his smile! Normally, a guy with pecs or impeccable ass does the trick, but it was in his smile. He had radiance, a pure, warm, inviting energy. And what kept going through my head was I want to get to know him. I could actually see dates, great chats and knowing what caused that smile to be soooooo amazing. And seeing him dance and just let go was soooooo cute and adorable. I just wanted to scoop him up and hide away with him and just know him.

It was a far cry from the credential checklist outcomes based approach I normally take with a man. I mean you either good for orgasm or good for relationship. After a quick and effective assessment process, you are classified and treated accordingly. Yep, I can be that clinical when I need to be.

There was a catch though, it looked like he was on a date and was enjoying himself on that date. It seemed pretty new as he and the guy he was with had that attraction but that safe polite distance when you in the early stages in dating. So I was soooo happy to have seen a man differently but not so happy that there still seemed to something in the way of that! Dammit!

Anyhoo, he was a yummy surprise and even more was my attitude when I saw him. Very different and pleasantly surprising to me. Letting it go and looking forward to meeting men like that. Yum Yum!. Laters xoxoxoxoxo

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