The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The ROCKlist - June 2011

Darlins, music is the food of life for me.  So after 3 months since the last Rocklist and me continue playing tunes, here are the top 5 most played songs from the CrazeeBee iTunes Playlist collection :

Five - Journey To The Past - Aahliyah - This song still gets me into that space of the past is the past and enables a story that I carry.  It reminds me that I am strong enough to journey to the past and understand my story from a different perspective.  I will always have the power of choice on my side and that is a comfort as I am able to choose to hold onto my story or lovingly let it go!

Four - What's My Name - Rihanna - What is a top 5 list without a signature Rihanna tune.  I love miss sexy thang to bits!  Anyhoo, this song for me is about being open.  Open to experiencing a man and open to what he brings as a person, a lover, a friend and a partner.  Delicious when your mind is open to experience him and what insight you can get from the experience with him.  A far cry from expectation and wanting him to be something on your checklist/template!

Three - I Need You - Leanne Rimes - What a beautiful song!  The words are simply awesome.  This song reminds me that we need each other.  We are mirrors to each other and that means we all carry a lesson for someone just by being ourselves.  The people in your life are not there by accident.  So leverage the lesson and messages they bring to help you be better and happier.  So with romantic relationships, it reminds me to embrace that the man can lovingly heal me from the bulls1t stories I carry and help move forward if I allow myself to experience him for him

Two - Beyond The Sunset - This song is in my mindfulness collection.  Those songs I use to help me when I do meditations that extend beyond a minute.  I love the picture of watching a sunset over an ocean.  It is such an opportunity to let go of what bothers you and embrace new lessons and blessings.  Waves are so symbolic of that.  Going beyond the sunset for me is allowing the sun to set on those stories we hold onto so dearly that do not serve us.  It is ok to go into the night and trust that our light will guide us

One - Happiness - Alexis Jordan - I believe the song says it all.  With consistency of the laws of good livin and faith and trust in the process, you will be in Happiness.  And that is just a fantastic place to be. This song reminds me to have faith and trust in the process of life

I leave you with Beyond The Sunset.  Have the courage to allow the sun to set on those stories that do not serve your best life.  With Love xoxo  Check out the ROCKlist for March 2011.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Under The Tuscan Sky

I found this amazing movie clip from one of my most favourite movies Under The Tuscan Sun.  First of all, I am a huge fan of Tuscany and visiting there is definitely on my bucket list.  So I love the sentiment of the story of Ladybugs from the movie.  It speaks about having your desire and then letting it go into the Universe and going on life and enjoying it.  They will come to you when you relax into life.  So that is the message to share.  Have your desire, feel it, soak in it and then set it free and go on with life.  LadyBugs!  Lots and Lots of LadyBugs will come!

Monday, June 27, 2011

One Moment Meditation : Day 2 : Working With The Mind

Day 2 of the lesson series speaks to working with the wandering mind.  I guess it is natural for the mind to start going through the lists, the commitments, the worries, the to dos and so on and so on.  The truth I have come to make peace with is that the mind is designed to think and that is its job.  The trick for me is in focus!

So when you can focus on the mind in a gentle manner, it is a playful dance with wandering versus back to focus.  And this is the bottom line of the Day 2 lesson.  It is finding your way back to your breathing gently when you wander away from it.

Practicing this has been great as I have found some spots at work where I can spend my minute just being with my breathe and divinity.  The trick for you is to find spots where you know you will have the potential of not being disturbed.

Take aways for me included:

  • The mind is what the it is and it will think.  I have found that one should not fight it and hate on yourself but rather invite it and gently guide it back to the focus of the in and out of your breathe
  • What has helped me is to enclose whatever I am thinking into a bubble and watch it gently and lovingly float away.  It gets me to tap into the peace that lies beneath the stream of thoughts
  • I also found that certain images would form and stay with me.  I would let it unfold and focus on that and how it felt with my breathe.  It helps going through it rather than resisting it.  I found that it dissolved quite beautifully
  • This practice is not a once off and must be a consistent action.  That is the secret.
There is nothing profoundly more to get if you look at the Day 1 lesson but it is just strengthening the minute into focusing on the breathe and peace that one can find when you let go and connect to the greatness that is always around you.  Read more about the lesson by going to the link : Day 2 : Working With The Mind

I would love to hear from you on how being in a moment fully impacts your day to day lives.  Feel free to drop me a mail on  or inbox me on Facebook or Twitter.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Crush : [A Daft Scots Lass]: What the Frikadel?! Things That Prove I am an Old Fart

I have fallen in love with this blog.  It's just so real and in your face with truth!  I found this to be a pretty cool post that got me thinking about my age.  Enjoy! Hehehehehehe

Shout Out to Daft Scots Lass.  Love ya work! Mwah!

[A Daft Scots Lass]: What the Frikadel?! Things That Prove I am an Old Fart

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Course In Weight Loss : Lesson 2

I finally got to wrapping up Lesson 2 about a week ago which I will admit was such a stretch for me.  I honestly resisted the whole affair.  I guess I was just not ready to face what could come out for me to deal with.


The primary focus of Lesson 2 is to get to know the fat side of yourself.  It is basically opening up to the idea that you have all these parts of you and that your essence is the common theme through all these different sides of you.  What was awesome for me was the notion of "You cannot negotiate with what you do not understand"  This was a profound phrase for me that to this day still impacts how I am seeing the world.

Lesson 2 invites you to start understanding that fat side of you.  That side has a lesson/message/story that would be for your highest good if you only open up and look to understanding what is going on. So I highly recommend Lesson 2.  For me, I have discovered how arrogance, being one dimensional and closing off to taking in wisdom around me or understanding others can be such a natural thing for me if I focus on a goal.  My excess weight serves as a reminder for me to stay open and see a bigger picture.  It is all abstract at the moment for me personally, but a theme I will work with the theme to unpack it into practicality that makes sense for me.  You will see a post on any realisations I make of it as a result

Key take aways from Lesson 2:

  • There are many facets to you and they all have a message or story for you to understand.  You can choose to embrace that and understand it or ignore it or ban it
  • Ignoring it ensures that that part of you will do what it needs to in order to get your attention.  You could get fatter or sick or something that simply is enough for you to take note
  • You cannot negotiate with what you not understand, so you cannot move forward if you are not willing to start looking that facet in the eye and understand what the story is
  • Life is mirror that you can use to work through the blockages and limiting stories.  Although the focus of lesson 2 was on weight, I found that I could relate the concept to more than just weight.  I could see it in the people that irritate and piss me off or simply make we want to avoid them.  I could see how there was a facet of me that wanted my attention to say what it needed to.  I have found that when I took the time to understand where those people were coming from, I learnt something deeper about myself.  Just an interesting process indeed.
So my dears, there is something to be said about expanding your view on a subject and going with the notion of understanding something ugly or disgusting before throwing it away!  I would also read up on the concept of mirrors which this link explains beautifully.  The Little Book Of Mirrors

I would love to hear about your experiences with facing those sides of you that you ignore!

Keep up to date on the other lessons by visiting the The Business Of Good Livin page.  Love and Light xoxo

Happy 200 Posts Crazeebee

A big thank you to the Darlins who take the time to read what I have to say.  Appreciate all the comments and emails.  Love ya.  Mwah!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wiseman Nos 8 Is That Friend Packing Undiscovered Sexiness . . .

So Wiseman Nos 8 has always been about the sexiness in someone's character and the way he sees the world.  He has such a sexy view of the world and boy can he take you on a journey that engages your mind, heart and soul.  If you remember the recent hunk appreciation posts, the roles that Cam and Alex played in their respective movies was exactly the kind of scenarios you would find a Wiseman Nos 8 in his element slowly but surely making you melt.

Let's celebrate that geek, nerd or shy guy that has that sexiness hidden or not so obvious.  It is that sexiness that is layered that you peel away as you get to know him on a deeper level and explore that sexy mind and delicious centre of him.  It is embracing the concept of opening yourself up to discover a man for more than just his physical appearance and the obvious sexy stuff that Wiseman Nos 7 would bring.

Let's savour the sexiness that creeps up on you when you discover and experience the beauty and wonder of Wiseman Nos 8. It is that kind of sexiness that once it all unfolds, he has that appeal and hotness that hits you instantly and all of a sudden, he is MAN! Not that friend, not that pal, not that geek, he is a MAN!  Yum Yum!

Embrace the possibility of getting to know a man that is willing to share is mind, soul and heart.  There definitely is a journey to take with him and in some cases the passion and heat do suddenly become apparent when you open to seeing things differently.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Thing About Belly Fat

Ok, so this grossed me out but got me thinking!  So apologies if I gross you out but this is a message that I believe we need to get as a citizens of this fast, high consumption of what is in sight world.  So I discovered this clip by Dr Oz on belly fat and it freaked me out!  I now get why that belly fat is soooooo stubborn!  And I did not even know that there were different types of fat to start of with.

What I will say is that I love Dr Oz's philosophy on not forcing the issue of eating healthy but nudging and allowing it to fall in place.  It is really choice by choice to a healthy lifestyle.  Note the waist size indicator and from the belly button.  That surprised me as I did notice my belly button getting a bit further from the rest of my body and need to look at correcting that.

For those of us who have food as a drug of choice, all that is encouraged is that we assess the choice of what goes in our mouth and the volume.  It is as simple as taking few seconds before you indulge to breathe and ask yourself to feel what you trying to sedate?   One of the things I have taken away from the clip is the snacking fist size meals during the day.  Just think of the variety and fun you can have with that concept.  I also recommend the book Women, Food and God by Geenen Roth.  I got some profound lessons and practices from her wisdom.  Here is also a link to the various articles and interviews on the book.

The Dr Oz Clip  Hopefully it triggers clarity for yourself or the start of the first step. . . . . .  .xoxo

Some major lessons I have taken away from reading this book include :
  • Stop and breathe before the need to indulge.  Feel the feeling and then make your choice
  • When you eat with awareness and engage in it, you will notice how great it tastes but you will also notice that point when you get full and need to stop.  Most of us are overeaters and we don't even know it!  I have a need to always watch TV when I eat.  That distracts me from knowing when I am full and I  in most cases overeat when I am watching TV while I eat.
  • Practice the art of Inquiry.  Where you give your body a space to speak to you and all you do is unpack and unfold.  You come from an angle of curiosity versus judgement and knowing it all.  When you curious, you are open to an answer that is wrapped in truth

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Bricks Of The Wall Blocking Your Great Relationship!

I picked up a great sentiment from Marianne Williamson when I started reading her book "A Course In Weight Loss".  Lesson 1 spoke about Tear Down The Wall.  I am still working on this lesson and the Universe is aiding by sending more and more information to support me surrendering this wall to a higher power to help me tear it down.

So when it comes to those great awesome relationships, we all have our particular walls that are in place that block the greatness from flowing in and existing within us and our partner or potential partner.  So I invite you to partake in what I discovered the other day on relationship schemas.  I found this to be a fascinating read.

Step 1:
Do the quiz in the link provided and see what schemas come up for you : What's Your Schema

Step 2:
Read about the different schemas : 18 Habits From Childhood That Affect Our Relationships Now  It is scary when you can see where this has happened and the key role players that taught or got you into the habit.  Be it your Mom, Dad, siblings or even friends!

Step 3:
Trust your voice and inner self to gravitate towards the aspect that resonates the highest with you.  You will see the score of those that stand out but there will be a common thread between some of them.  I found that I gravitated to 3 out of the 5 that stood out to me from the survey.

Step 4:
You now have some of the bricks of your wall.  Now starts the unfolding and the choosing to release them and surrender them to a higher power to assist you with letting it go and tearing down that wall.  Read this article on the Person who found this practice : Love Traps 101

Step 5:
The unfolding process can be different for many.  Some would meditate on this, some would journal and some simply start reading up.  Personally, I like surrendering it and then staying open and aware for an answer.  Usually the answer does come all at once and I am flooded with truth.  It is literally like a puzzle click for me and all of a sudden I see a picture that makes so much sense.  You know that saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? That is exactly it!  But find a process that works for you get your answers that you know deep down is true for you

The bottom line is that you start creating awareness.  I have learnt with this spiritual thing is that there is no one answer fits all.  I believe this to my core.  All you can do is raise awareness and then ask with love that the answer unfolds for you in a loving and supportive way.  As long as you stay open, the Universe will hold up its end of the bargain by lovingly revealing and unfolding for you.  I don't know what next will happen for you to get clear but I do know that the above can help in getting the bricks visible to you.  The next step is part of the journey you are on.

Thought I would share.  Please let me know how it unfolds for you. I am super curious . . . .

With Love

Friday, June 17, 2011

Complaining Builds A Strong Wall. . . .

I am writing this post from the beautiful cost of Kwazulu Natal in South Africa.  I love this area especially in winter.  Being of tropical climate, it is mild enough to still get away with summer wear and enjoy the ocean in cooler weather.

So I found the below phrase from one of my favorite authors (Jerry and Esther Hicks).  Abraham had some interesting words about the concept of complaining.  When I look at the phrase and cast it on just the past week, I can see how high in some areas the hit ratio of complaining, feeling guilty and feeling the need to control is.  And I can also see why there has been blockage in the good coming through in those areas.

So I invite you to start asking yourself a very simple question.  What are you complaining about?  Be willing to surrender that to a higher power to help you resolve.  Maybe it's time to surrender that wall and allow the good to flow in?

Complaining about anything holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you've been asking for. Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you've been asking for. Blaming someone holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you've been asking for. Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn't matter what you call it; it is a refusal, not a conscious one. You're asking; you can't help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield. It's a big question, folks: why aren't you letting it in?

--- Abraham

Thursday, June 16, 2011

One Moment Meditation : Day 1 : Intro To The Basic Minute

I discovered this link to the one moment meditation.  I loved it as I can buy the concept that when you look at life in terms of moments, it takes on a wonderful journey.  When you see life as a series of moments, you can work towards experiencing power moments and making those the higher frequency within your life.  I will admit that meditation has been one my challenges.  The concept of doing nothing and simply breathing does get to me and to do it for for a period of time makes me uneasy especially when you have deadlines, chores and things to do to keep life going.

So when this concept of one moment meditation came along, I was intrigued.  If I can take just a minute out of my day to be still and connect it does not seem like hard work to me.  And because it is a minute, I am amazed at how open it makes me to have more of them during my day.

So I started Day 1 of One Moment Meditation about a week ago.  It was interesting because half the week I was on vacation and the other half I started back to a demanding work schedule.  In the beginning I found the minute too short.  With all my thoughts, to do lists and worries flooding, I did feel that the minute did not give me a chance to get into the flow of connection.  Then when I had people around me and I was at work, the minute actually was too long.  I was like come on already!

The one thing that I have taken away of a week of practicing multiple meditation minutes is that:

  1. I can start seeing that I can connect to something bigger than where I am currently and it can take seconds to connect
  2. My awareness is greater than ever.  I can be in a meeting and notice where I am not connected and closed off and not responding as my best self.  I can be in a hostile situation and remember to breathe and not be so hooked into it and choose to change tactic in that moment
  3. I feel like I have options to get the best of both worlds.  I can have a busy life but i can spare a minute here and a minute there to connect.  And with a minute, the where and when can get very creative and it simply fits in
I do however feel that having longer meditations such 15 minutes, 20 minutes and some even an hour has its place and is necessary.  But some of us just do not have the time to do that everyday.  So I suggest balance it.  Try the one minute thing in your busy times and the longer ones at least 2 to 3 times a week.  Keep up with my progress as I progress the remaining days by visiting The Business Of Good Livin.

I would love to hear from you on how being in a moment fully impacts your day to day lives.  Feel free to drop me a mail on  or inbox me on Facebook or Twitter.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bless The Friend Who Turns All Sexy On You : Alex O'Loughlin

Ok, so this friend that turns all sexy on you probably is a theme, because my attention is caught by another yummy hunk.  I spotted him on The Backup Plan with Jennifer Lopez.  He is soooooo adorable.  So this is what an awesome boyfriend looks and feels like.  I will admit, the man had me under his spell.  Delicious and one you want to laugh with, chat with and cuddle.  Yay!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bless The Friend Who Turns All Sexy On You : Cam Gigandet

I got a chance to watch Burlesque and will admit that this Hunk had me sitting up paying attention in a big way.  The character he played was sooooooo sexy.  He is that friend that has all that sexy bottled up that one never really sees.  Then all of a sudden, it is like someone let it loose and he is oozing this hotness and sexiness.  And then there is chemistry that has you both intrigued and at the doorway to step through and experience each other in new delicious ways.  Cam has the most intense eyes and smouldering look.  You want to be kissing him a long time. Yum! Go Sexy Cam!

If only all guys were as sweet when offering you cookies . . . . . . 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Course In Weight Loss : Lesson 1

I started reading A Course In Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson not so long ago and wanted to share some of the take aways from the book.  These were the kind of truths that resonated with me and got me thinking or seeing life and it's relation to me in a different light.  Key themes that stood out :

  • We all have a wall that we build to keep something away from us.  Be it a person, a situation, a feeling or a truth.  the trick is figuring out the make up of your wall.  Mine is food.  For others it could be sex, drugs, excess TV or some from of addiction or escapism
  • We are meant to feel no matter what.  Pain, joy, peace, fear, shame etc.  We are meant to feel it, experience it, process it and move on.  It's through feeling it that we process it and move beyond to a space of choice and truth.  Somehow we get stuck with some by not truly feeling and processing.  I love how after you feel something that you come a point of choice to take a different view or let go of the one you hold.  It's a powerful place to get to.
  • Being truthful with yourself can take many forms and do what sits comfortably with you.  For some it is confessing, for some it means coming clean and for some it is writing it down.  But what is truly remarkable is that being honest with yourself is merely surrendering to the rawness of that truth and looking it straight in the eye and acknowledging it for what it is.  When we brave to do that, we move to a powerful place of choice.  Choice to let the story go or deepen our understanding of the perception
My biggest take away from Lesson 1 has been the concept of how we fear seeing ourselves clearly!  It's hard not to see when the lights go on in a room and the darkness disappears.  You cannot deny what is in the room.  I see how the walls that we build protect us and keep us in the dark so that we do not have to put the light on and see clearly.  It is the whole stay in ignorance and be blissful thing.  Some of us prefer that state versus having to own up and look at what's in the room and choose to leave the mess or clean it up and make space!

The other take away is that I can ask for help from something bigger and wiser than me!  I can pray and be grateful for the access to a higher wisdom, a higher power and a higher intellect that I can surrender my problem to help me solve it and move forward.  This whole notion of faith and trust come into play which I will admit is still a challenge for an outcomes based individual as myself.  But it is something to work with and unpack and take one step at a time.

I would love to hear about your stories when it comes to trusting in the Universal wisdom, limitless solutions and intelligence?  Have you had experiences that you can share?

Keep up to date on the other lessons by visiting the The Business Of Good Livin page.  Love and Light xoxo

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Learning Together Is Sexy

I realised after my last Golf lesson just how sexy learning can be with someone.  To learn means to be open, to drop your guard and let a new idea be processed by yourself.  There is an element to let go and be vulnerable.  It is putting what you know and do not know out there for others to see that are learning with you.

So there is something to be said about taking up a new hobby, craft or exploring a skill you are new at.  When you allow for yourself to be open to digest the newness in front of you and you get to do it with other people, there is a sexiness that prevails.

You truly start seeing who they are.  It has nothing to do with how they look but with how they respond.  And for some, it is uber sexy and for others it is simply a deeper understanding of who that person is.  It has just been a fascinating process learning a new sport with other people.  There is a comfortability developing and a closeness as we drop our camouflages and what we know and simply open up to embrace the newness of a skill and insight as well as each other!

It's SEXY!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CrazeeBee Essential Kitchen Items

So I will go on record saying that I am not the expert when it comes to Food, but I am the expert on what I love eating.  So read at your own risk and if you like it, try it ;)  So my journey with food has resulted in some shifts of attitude of late.  Getting my hands on Geenen Roth's book "Women, Food & God" and now Marianne Williamson's "A Course In Weight Loss", has started changing my relationship with food.  There is still more work that I need to do but one step at a time.

So a big shift is that I have started spending more time cooking rather than buying ready made meals.  Based on that, below are some key items to consider for the kitchen that can make the difference (All based on what I love ofcourse!) :

  1. Non Stick pots and pans - Your life will never the same.  Food just looks prettier when it is made in a non stick pot or pan!  This was not as obvious to me until I tried it
  2. Oil in a spray/spritz - Whether it be coconut or olive oil, rather spray it than pour it.  Combine that with a non stick pan or pot and you are on your way to hardly using any oil
  3. Containers that remove excess air - For the single folk, this is soooo handy.  It keeps your wastage down as well as allows you to cook smaller portions
  4. Must Have Ingredients - Avocado, Salad Spring Onions, Mushrooms, Fresh Tomatoes, Pepadews, Wok Egg Noodles (a handful adds a touch of luxury and comfort to those fry pan meals. Yum), Paprika and Garlic.  I love the flavours it can bring out in a meal :)
  5. Create Your Own Cookbook - Cooking is so flexible. So take a recipe that appeals and experiment.  Change up some stuff and experience the difference. I am having soooo much fun taking a recipe and changing it up.  Once I am happy that I have a winner, in my cookbook it goes
  6. Happy Music While You Cook - It just adds to the energy and creative process.  Be sure to turn off the TV.  I found that it distracted me from really enjoying the full process as I could not engage my full senses
  7. Pour In The LOVE! - Most important.  Pour in love and blessings as you cook.  I have found that the savouring of the food while I eat after such a process is amazing.  I have noticed that fast food just does not get to that same satisfaction level after I tasted food made with love.  Probably why most miss their Mom's cooking.  It has to be the love factor missing?
So there you go.  Chef CrazeeBee has shared some ideas on his cooking essentials.  xoxo

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Embrace The Looming Change In Your Life!

In Honor of my last post of embracing the change in your life, below is a delicious song to get you into the frequency to surrender to the change that is manifesting in your life.  Ask to be open and be grateful that you will get the answer.  Start releasing the idea that your questions go unanswered.  They can be when you are willing to be open the how the message gets to you.

No offense to The Verve.  But I love changing the verse that repeats "Can't Change" to "Can Change".  It rolls off the tongue better ;)

Well I never pray
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now

Friday, June 3, 2011

Some Food For Thought

I have been on this sentiment of fair exchange in relationships and embracing relationships that heal and bring us closer to our best.  I found this phrase from Abraham.  For those who don't know him, he inspires the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks.  Enjoy the thought.  It leaves me with a sense of comfort that relationships do bring out the best in us.

That "death do us part" thing is a protective mechanism. It says, "I don't trust me, and I don't trust you to be in a place where we are evoking the best from each other. And so, just to make sure, let's promise that even if we don't, we'll suffer it out together." Every law, sacred or secular, that we have ever seen in your environment has always come from a place of disconnection, from a place of protectiveness.

--- Abraham

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Change Is The Only Constant

Change can be a scary concept for most.  Your sense of safety and trust in something constant can get shaken and removed and that looming feeling of loss or a place to safely land seems no where near in sight.  It makes sense why there is panic, anxiety and fear.  Then the need to control comes along and we all know how controlling people can be!

For the first time in a long time, I have been feeling positive anticipation!  I can see the signs of all the internal shifts that have occurred over the past few months start showing up in my life.  And I am beginning to surrender to those and allowing them to be.  It is exciting and scary!
I invite you to start raising awareness to what is shifting in your life physically and beginning to open yourself to what happened internally in your life.  Don't kill yourself you draw the link.  Simply give your awareness to that and trust that you will get an answer.  Be aware of what life decisions or life themes you have now bought into.  What stories have you let go of.  These could be small or big ones.  Be aware of big and small changes in your physical life.  

It could be the overhaul the landscapers have done to your neighborhood that have now changed your surroundings, people enter or leave your life, a change to your role or focus workwise, you see someone or some people in a new light, you have a deeper breakthrough with someone you hold dear, something happens and you realise that it no longer stings or hurts like it used to . . . . . .   The list can go on!

I amazed even to this day how the internal decisions we make to love ourselves more, or let go of limiting stories or embrace a new idea to see life can ripple out and one can draw the link.  It is encouraging to me that this internal work stuff does actually work and that life is this canvas I can paint with anything I truly want.  It is very awesome to realise the power I have to simply be happy.

So if there is a constant stream of change in your life, you can be sure that something inside has shifted or is shifting to cause that physical reflection of change.  You simply need to be open to making the link between what internal choice you have made and how it rippled out into the world  to be experienced by you.

Raise your awareness to this idea and life will work in its way to answer it for you.  Good luck and excited to hear what your answers are!  If you feel the need or are comfortable to share with me , please do!  Look forward to reading it . . . 

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