The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

People Are Mirrors To Help Me Grow

The people in your life are there to reflect a truth for you to take note of.  So from those you adore, to hate or get irritated by or excite you, they are a reflection of something you need to take note of.  You can take great joy in that when you around the people in your life, it is an opportunity to use what is reflected back to you to learn and grow from.  You are surrounded by teachers, take in the learning.


  1. So glad you stopped by my blog, otherwise I wouldn't have had the opportunity to come across your inspiration-filled blog. This is my kinda stuff to read :)

    This particular posts reminds me of the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle; I'm still in process of reading it. So, he pretty says this same thing in his book: that however you feel about someone, is a reflection of who you are. I get it. Or at least I think I get it. But really, I can't seem to wrap my mind around this concept.

    So, if I really don't like someone at the moment, what I don't like in them is a reflection of what I don't like in myself. Is it in that exact moment? Or is it something I don't like in myself all of the time? Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, but I can't seem to truly understand this statement.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am all about sharing with each other what we learn along our journeys.

    I have found with people in my life that when something about someone either bothers me or causes me to judge them, that when I really search my heart that it is instances where I am exactly the same to others. So I find when I am judging someone that I usually am behaving that way to some other person and need to reflect on that and decide whether I change it or not.

    I have also find that people that anger me or irritate me or send me into a spiral of being irrational i.e. push my buttons usually come with something I am afraid to see or deal with. It is usually the characteristic they have that that angers me or irritates me that highlights what I am ost fearful of.

    There was someone in my life that really got me worked up with how one dimensional his thinking was and how he treated the world. He could easily paint you with one brush and did not allow for a broader perspective when dealing with me as a person. I usually got worked up after dealing with him. What I later clicked was that I was afraid of my own arrogance. With all the success I was attaining and being revered as an expert or leader, I was so afraid that my arrogance would take over and make me weak like I saw the person that angered me. My lesson was to understand that as long as I stayed curious and open and had faith my power of choice that I could not be trapped into being an arrogant one dimensional individual.


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