The TIme is to live and be happy now!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The ROCKlist - June 2011

Darlins, music is the food of life for me.  So after 3 months since the last Rocklist and me continue playing tunes, here are the top 5 most played songs from the CrazeeBee iTunes Playlist collection :

Five - Journey To The Past - Aahliyah - This song still gets me into that space of the past is the past and enables a story that I carry.  It reminds me that I am strong enough to journey to the past and understand my story from a different perspective.  I will always have the power of choice on my side and that is a comfort as I am able to choose to hold onto my story or lovingly let it go!

Four - What's My Name - Rihanna - What is a top 5 list without a signature Rihanna tune.  I love miss sexy thang to bits!  Anyhoo, this song for me is about being open.  Open to experiencing a man and open to what he brings as a person, a lover, a friend and a partner.  Delicious when your mind is open to experience him and what insight you can get from the experience with him.  A far cry from expectation and wanting him to be something on your checklist/template!

Three - I Need You - Leanne Rimes - What a beautiful song!  The words are simply awesome.  This song reminds me that we need each other.  We are mirrors to each other and that means we all carry a lesson for someone just by being ourselves.  The people in your life are not there by accident.  So leverage the lesson and messages they bring to help you be better and happier.  So with romantic relationships, it reminds me to embrace that the man can lovingly heal me from the bulls1t stories I carry and help move forward if I allow myself to experience him for him

Two - Beyond The Sunset - This song is in my mindfulness collection.  Those songs I use to help me when I do meditations that extend beyond a minute.  I love the picture of watching a sunset over an ocean.  It is such an opportunity to let go of what bothers you and embrace new lessons and blessings.  Waves are so symbolic of that.  Going beyond the sunset for me is allowing the sun to set on those stories we hold onto so dearly that do not serve us.  It is ok to go into the night and trust that our light will guide us

One - Happiness - Alexis Jordan - I believe the song says it all.  With consistency of the laws of good livin and faith and trust in the process, you will be in Happiness.  And that is just a fantastic place to be. This song reminds me to have faith and trust in the process of life

I leave you with Beyond The Sunset.  Have the courage to allow the sun to set on those stories that do not serve your best life.  With Love xoxo  Check out the ROCKlist for March 2011.

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